Ocean Industrializing Politicians, read this. Burning Cash: The Staggering Cost of Offshore Wind Power.

The true cost of wind power is staggering, the cost of offshore wind power is astronomical: the latter is more than six times the cost of gas-fired power. The operating cost of maintaining any industrial machine in a marine environment starts out high and only increases over time, thanks to the corrosive power of saltwater and salt-laden sea air. Take a machine that, at best, has an economic lifespan of around 12 years and it doesn’t take long before the cost of operating a wind turbine offshore gets out of control. Andrew Montford runs the numbers on what is a staggeringly expensive way of generating a trivial amount of sporadically delivered electricity. >click to read< 11:23

One Response to Ocean Industrializing Politicians, read this. Burning Cash: The Staggering Cost of Offshore Wind Power.


    Water is basically a 1000 times denser than Air… A cubic meter of Water weighs a 1000 kg while a cubic meter of Air weights 1.2 kg!!! That’s a significant difference… A smaller Blade can provide a proportionate difference in Water in a Rip Tide or even the Gulf Stream basically Hydro without the Damn or Reservoir…
    An Aircraft Carrier or smaller specifically designed Floating Hydrogen Plant could power Boats, Planes, fill Tankers, etc… We will need Hydrogen…. There is an enormous resource… Breaking it down through electrolysis or methane conversion are considerable issues but not impossible… Let’s work smart and not SCREW our Oceans!!!

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