Welcome to Fishing for the Truth – This is from Scotland, but it might as well be New England!

Welcome to Fishing for the Truth, a website dedicated to providing factual information on Scottish fisheries and the important role they play in supplying sustainably caught Scottish seafood that is renowned around the world for its quality. Scottish fishermen have become increasingly concerned about the amount of misinformation that is currently being peddled in the public domain about our fisheries. Fishing for the Truth is a factual resource designed to inform about the true state of our stocks and the various sustainability measures that have been adopted by the Scottish fleet in recent years. more@fishingfortruth

Must read: Fishermen caught in a net of bureaucracy – I have quickly come to lament the absurdity of a management system designed by consultants, environmental activists and celebrity chefs, rather than by those who have any idea how it could work. Link  12:28

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