Federal judge grants preliminary injunction to block Pacific Seafood acquisition

Stepping in to avert a potential monopoly, a federal judge has granted commercial fishermen a preliminary injunction to block Pacific Seafood Group from acquiring Ocean Gold Seafoods. The fishermen have alleged that Pacific Seafood would have a monopoly over the groundfish, whiting and coldwater shrimp markets if it acquires Ocean Gold, a large fish processor in Westport, Wash. The ruling Friday by Judge Owen Panner in U.S. District Court in Medford came after the Oregon Attorney General’s office described the potential merger as “presumptively unlawful given the degree of market concentration.” Read the rest here 14:12

One Response to Federal judge grants preliminary injunction to block Pacific Seafood acquisition

  1. StripedBassHole says:

    It’s time that we return to the true “SPIRIT” that once was the 1976 MAGNUSON FISHERY ACT. Long gone has been the Spirit of America, “MADE IN AMERICA”, a true NATIONAL MANUFACTURING BASE, “AMERICAN JOBS”. A real balanced “NATIONAL ECONOMY” and now the GREEN HOSTILE TAKE-OVER of “OUR TRADITIONAL FISHERIES”.What has happened to DEMOCRACY, are we headed to “SOCIALISM” or are we already there and the “MEDIA” just hasn’t told us yet???
    “T.O.O.P.” has stolen a SIGNIFICANT PORTION of “OUR COMMON PROPERTY. CONGRESS needs to rectify THIS… B y the PEOPLE for the PEOPLE, apparently just an old ADAGE…
    Are there any “PATRIOTS” left???
    In DAYS of OLD the SQUIRREL GUN CREW set us on a PATH of “FREEDOM”…
    LOOK what the “ACADEMIC LIBERAL ARTS BRIGADE” has made AMERICA. “Worthless” and “WEAK”. What has happened to the once “LAND of the FREE and HOME of the BRAVE”…
    PATHETIC, you THINK???

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