Daily Archives: May 24, 2014

N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission – Certain waters to re-open to gill nets

Gill net fishermen will soon be able to return to the water, but no red drum caught in their nets as bycatch can be kept before the next season, which opens Sept. 1. The N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission took action Thursday that re-opens waters in certain exempted areas to allow anchored large-mesh gill net operations beginning June 1. However, no possession of red drum will be allowed. Read more here 13:35

Northern cod reclaiming its territory

After being beaten down by overfishing to a fraction of the mighty force it once was, northern cod are starting to rebuild and re-populate its traditional areas off the coasts of Newfoundland and Labra­dor. That’s good news for a species that has shown few positive signs of recovery during the 22 years since being placed under a moratorium. Read more here 09:04

Provincial research vessel finds evidence of growing cod stocks – Watch video here

Mass. Governor hopeful Avellone sees new fishing, drug roles

Responding to questions about the needs of the state’s fishing industry, Avellone identified the need for the state to work with NOAA and the federal government toward updating and delivering more accurate science that can serve the needs of the environment and fishermen alike. Read more political talking points here 08:38

Atlantic herring fishery closed for Gulf of Maine as limit approaches – Atlantic Herring Management Area 1B

nmfs_logoThe Atlantic herring fishery will close Saturday for the offshore Gulf of Maine region after 92 percent of the total allowable catch had been caught. The National Marine Fisheries Service said the fishery will be closed from Saturday through May 1, 2015. Atlantic Herring Management Area 1B Closure Effective 0001 Hours May 24, 2014  Read more here  08:03

NMFS Nears New Steller Sea Lion Restrictions

nmfs_logoThe new year will likely bring new fisheries to the western Aleutian Islands, now that the National Marine Fisheries Service has issued its final report on the way commercial fishing affects an endangered population of Steller sea lions. Read more here  07:00

Venker: Catch-share fishery programs don’t pass the smell test

Catch-share programs have been promoted as a panacea to many fishery management challenges, but close scrutiny of these programs shows they create far more problems than they solve. Putting ownership of a wildlife resource into the hands of a private business for its own profit is a dramatic departure from the way this country has traditionally managed wildlife resources. U.S. Rep. Steve Southerland, R-Fla., is right to question if this is a path the country should take. Read more here 06:32