Tag Archives: California’s drift gillnet (DGN) fishery

Confessions from the Lone Shark Conservationist Who Supports California’s Drift Gillnet Fishery

Prej•u•dice, Noun – Preconceived opinion not based on reason or experience. – I’m telling my story for a couple reasons. First because I know a lot of folks share my intense passion and genuine intention to help preserve our world’s oceans, but like me are not very sure where and how to start. I want to share some lessons I learned the hard way in an effort to prevent you from wasting your time. I’m also writing this because I think it’s scary how easy it is for someone that knows very little about shark fisheries to be considered an “expert” on,,, Part 1, Read more here Part 2 Read it here  Eat U.S.Seafood  08:35