Tag Archives: caught in Bonavista Bay

1 in 30 million: rare yellow lobster caught in Bonavista Bay

article_large 1 in 30 million yellowAn extremely rare yellow lobster was hauled up in Newman Sound Friday, and visitors to Terra Nova National Park are invited to take a peek. Sandy Turner, who fishes for Happy Adventure Sea Products, said the lobster is female, weighing 1 ¼ pounds. The crew — Turner, Bon Squire and Edward Powell — donated it to Terra Nova, where it is now at the park’s interpretation centre. “When we hauled up the pot, we got a shock seeing a yellow lobster sitting in the pot,” she said. “Fishing for 25 years and never seen a lobster that colour before.” According to the University of Maine, the odds of catching a yellow lobster is one in 30 million. That’s six times as rare as a blue lobster. Link 09:52