Tag Archives: Cod-fishing restrictions

Massachusetts: Cod fishing restrictions to remain in place for another year

Federal regulations implemented in November to restrict cod fishing in the Gulf of Maine will remain in place for at least another year, the state Division of Marine Fisheries announced Wednesday.Additionally, the state Division of Marine Fisheries has reduced the commercial trip limit for Gulf of Maine cod from 800 to 200 pounds for all state and federal permit holders fishing in state waters. Read the rest here    14:32

Waters Warm, and Cod Catch Ebbs in Maine

421238_367823369911134_2112714610_nIn the vast gulf that arcs from Massachusetts’s shores to Canada’s Bay of Fundy, cod was once king.,,“A fisherman’s job isn’t to get an unbiased estimate of abundance. It’s to catch fish,” said Michael Fogarty, the chief of the ecosystem assessment program at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the federal agency that monitors sea life. “The world they see is a different world than we see in the surveys.”. Read the rest here 09:48