Tag Archives: dumping oil

Owner and Captain indicted on conspiracy charges for dumping oil, pollutants into Blaine Harbor

2068518 native sunBingham Fox, owner of the fishing vessel Native Sun, and his son Randall Fox, the boat’s captain, first dumped the waste in 2011 and continued to do so into 2013, according to DOJ. The alleged discharges also were violations of the Clean Water Act and the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships. The Thursday, April 7, indictment comes after an investigation by the U.S. Coast Guard. The indictment alleges that the Foxes purchased the Native Sun without a functioning bilge system to separate waste from water to be appropriately discarded later. Instead of repairing the system the Foxes installed a series of hoses and pumps, and ran the hoses out of the engine room and over the side of the boat. Read the rest here 09:28 photo shipspotting.com