Tag Archives: Fishery aid package

U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee bill gets mixed reviews – Locals back research, aid; decry pulling NOAA office

Officials and fishery advocates at various levels in Gloucester and across the state say they’ll fight a provision,,,continued@GDTgdt icon

Editorial: Fishery aid package should be among top Markey priorities

gdt iconTo some, the special election victory by Congressman Ed Markey Tuesday leaves Gloucester and Massachusetts fishermen without a definitive voice in the U.S. Senate. Just 3 1/2 years removed from the passing of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy — a truly passionate voice for the state’s and the nation’s fishermen — Elizabeth Warren’s victory over forceful fisheries advocate Scott Brown, and now Markey’s triumph and filling of the seat held by new Secretary of State John Kerry have created a Senate delegation in which fisheries may not have the priority they have had in the past. And these changes are coming at a time when fishermen and fishing communities need that type of advocacy the most. continued@gloucesterdailytimes