Tag Archives: Grieg Aquaculture in Placentia Bay

Grieg Aquaculture in Placentia Bay: Letter: Please rethink salmon aquaculture project, Scott Roloson

Cooke-aquaculture-Belleoram-NL-sThe province of Newfoundland and Labrador is among the last wild Atlantic salmon frontiers in North America. Newfoundland and Labrador possesses over 60 per cent of North American salmon rivers. We believe that the long-term socioeconomic value of recreational and First Nations’ food and ceremonial salmon fisheries are being overlooked. The recreational fishery contributes over $27 million to the province per year. Considering the Atlantic salmon is an economic driver and a symbolic icon of Newfoundland and Labrador culture, it would be imprudent to approve any aquaculture development without thorough regulatory and scientific review.,, In addition to the direct effect of genetic contamination, sea cage aquaculture also poses an unacceptable risk of disease transmission to wild fish migrating in the vicinity of cage sites. We believe that the proponent of this project has merely paid lip service to the real, impending ecological consequences of this development. Read the letter here 10:25