Tag Archives: John Rice

A selfish call by Stripers Forever – John Rice

I find it interesting and somewhat disingenuous that letter writers keep choosing to hold up 2006 as the benchmark that striped bass populations should be. 2006 was the all-time highest biomass of stripers ever recorded, so it’s not really a good comparison to say that bass stocks have fallen from that mark. In fact, 2006 was such a phenomenon,,, Read more here  mvtimes  19:17

In the Guest Writer Column – The Massachusetts commercial striped bass fishery. Poster child for an abused resource – John Rice, Director, CIIFA

The Massachusetts commercial striped bass fishery. This fishery is the poster child for an abused resource. The MA DMF policies and regulations for the striper fishery are directly responsible for 2013 being the shortest season ever recorded since the fishery  re-opened.  Read more by John Rice in the Guest Writer Column