Tag Archives: logbooks

Solutions to the Bycatch Blame Game

The issue of bycatch has grown more important as some fisheries get smaller and those who depend on the fish for their livelihood or survival find that there are not enough fish to go around. This raises the question of whether bycatch is at the root of the problem or if other issues facing fisheries must be addressed. Bycatch is monitored in a combination of ways, through at-sea observers, electronic monitoring, seafood processing plant observers, logbooks, and fish tickets. “In the Bering Sea, approximately 94 percent of all catch is observed, including 99 percent of all trawl catch,” Bush explains. “In the Gulf of Alaska, 40 to 50 percent of all catch is observed across all gear types.” Photos, >click to read< 12:26

Fishermen speaking up against proposed logbooks by NC Marine Fisheries

Captains and fishermen in southeastern North Carolina, especially, are upset about the changes that the state is hoping to make. The new  ask for-hire license holders to fill out detailed information on each trip they take, including every fish they touch – catch or release, how many hooks were in the water, how long and what time the trip was, and even how many bait fish they catch in their cast nets. Read the rest here 16:37