Tag Archives: making a comeback

Fishery may be in transition, but don’t bank on cod as a saviour

I love this idea that gets floated by political decision makers, that the fishing industry in this province is in transition. Well, of course it is. But from what to what? Shrimp and crab are clearly in serious decline in most commercial fishing areas.,, The cod fishery on the United States’ side of Georges Bank in the Gulf of Maine was shut down this past November when American scientists suggested stocks had plummeted to about three per cent of their historic level (although fishermen there argue the scientists are wrong — sound familiar?) Read the rest here 07:09

Iceland’s cod fishery making a comeback – Latest research shows spawning cod at highest levels in almost 50 years

Though many Canadian scientists consider gadus morhua an endangered species — around the coastlines of Iceland — cod is experiencing a comeback. The latest scientific data show spawning cod are at their highest levels in almost 50 years. [email protected] -I’m interested in seeing the research.