Tag Archives: MSA Re-Auth Roadshow

MSA Re-Auth Roadshow: Angela Sanfilippo — Magnuson reforms for a sustainable fishery

gdt iconThis is a portion of the testimony of Gloucester’s Angela Sanfilippo before members of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Oceans Atmosphere and Coast Guard on Monday at the State House in Boston. Flexibility. Stability. Responsibility. Accountability. Regulators must take responsibility for their actions and not blame the fishermen when a mismanaged regulation causes destruction of the stock and the ocean environment. more@GDT

MSA Re-Auth Roadshow: ENGO Perspective! Scallopers Haul Back a Short-Sighted Vision

duncey peteScallop industry lobbyist Drew Minkiewicz argued that the scallop industry was so well self-managed, so willing to reinvest its gold into critical research and development that the American taxpayer was apparently resisting paying for, so sea-turtle-friendly, so responsible, and so much—well—better than the federal government that the scallop fishery should just be turned over to the fleet to manage itself. (this from a lousy lawyer that defends the NMFS better than they can, then turns around and threatens to sue them!!) CONTINUOUSLY – Bad Petey.  more@talkingfish 18:08

Bad Petey  must’ve missed this testimony by Dr. Kevin Stokesbury, probably the most important of all, for if he had, he wouldn’t have published such a nasty little rant. What would compel someone as narrow minded as he, to mock a real attorney that isn’t on the ENGO dole? Something to think about anyway, and Stokesbury’s testimony will explain why. Link

MSA Re-Auth Roadshow: Northeast Seafood Coalition Policy Director Vito Giacalone Testifies

966382_576848379002335_599159690_oGiacalone testified about the immediate reality affecting small groundfish fishing businesses in the Northeast region. He said long-term policy improvements will not matter if there are no fishermen left when policies are implemented. “We are in the midst of a crisis that needs immediate attention,” Giacalone said emphatically. more@NESC  Written testimony here 13:46

MSA Re-Auth Roadshow: Testimony of Prof. Kevin Stokesbury to Congressional panel about cooperative fisheries research

smastThis written testimony by Dr. Kevin Stokesbury should be read, and forwarded to every Congressman and Senator as proof of the way forward in fishery management and stock assessments. This guy, along with some SMAST students took stuff they bought at Walmart, and literally saved the NE scallop fishery from doom, and ruin from NMFS. The Habcam scam was a slap in the face to SMAST, and the fleecing of the tax payers, and an absolute disservice to the industry when NOAA decided to eliminate SMAST from the program they pioneered. Read his testimony here. 22:25

GDT Editorial: Hearing rightfully turns spotlight on Magnuson reforms

gdt iconMonday’s Boston hearing did not focus on how to throw money at the fishing crisis, but on carrying our reforms to the Magnuson-Stevens Act, which is up for reauthorization and sits at the core of the fishing crisis. more@GDT 14:25

MSA Re-Auth Roadshow: ‘Facing disaster’ is assessment of groundfish fishery

gus sanfilippo gloucestermanIn fact, the sense of gloom and doom following drastic cuts to fishing quotas this year is so bad that fishermen aren’t even showing up for fishery management meetings any more. Only a handful attended Monday when the Massachusetts congressional delegation assembled in the State House to take testimony on the current state of the industry, getting an earful about changes that need to be made to keep it viable. more@capecodtimes  12:23