Tag Archives: National Ocean Council

“The Plan” – Mid-Atlantic states draft regional plan for improving coastal waters

l_20160708-regional-ocean-waters-1200With the ocean facing significant challenges in the near future, Mid-Atlantic states, federal agencies, and others have banded together to draft a plan to promote more regional planning and coordination in managing the resource. While the new coalition has no regulatory authority, President Barack Obama has directed federal agencies to incorporate regional plans like the Mid-Atlantic’s into the policies they develop, according to , who endorsed the effort. “If we want to protect the things we value, we have to change the rules of the game,’’ Dillingham said. “There are clearly increasing demands for use of the ocean. Some are potentially harmful to marine life and the environment. All of them need to be managed.’’ What a bunch of crap! Read the rest here 09:55

Regulating fishermen out of business – President Barack Obama’s 2010 National Ocean Policy executive order and his National Ocean Council

fisherman-obamaIn recent years, high fuel prices and stringent federal regulations have combined to take an especially heavy toll on charter boat owners and operators across the United States. President Barack Obama’s 2010 National Ocean Policy executive order and his National Ocean Council’s recent release of a final implementation plan now set the stage for a one-two punch that could choke off access to fishery resources and add to already-high fuel costs by restricting opportunities to develop energy here at home. continued@postandcourior

Fishing Industry Concerned About Ocean Zoning Plan

fisherman-obamaMaryland Coastal Dispatch – “This plan embodies the type of efficient, collaborative government that taxpayers, communities and businesses expect from their federal government,” said Nancy Sutley, Co-Chair of the National Ocean Council this week. “With increasing demands on our oceans, we must improve how we work together, share information and plan smartly to grow our economy, keep our ocean healthy and enjoy the highest benefits from our ocean resources now and in the future. continued

If you really want to keep our oceans healthy , Nancy, keep that junk away from it!

BushBama’s Executive Order 13547 on National Ocean Policy is Obscene and Illegal


Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13547 on July 19, 2010, formally adopting the recommendations of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force Report regarding the oceans, our coasts, and the Great Lakes; and directing the agencies to implement those recommendations under the guidance of a National Ocean Council. By doing so, Obama assumed legislative powers not granted to him under the Constitution and…….Read more