Tag Archives: National Security Issue

Deep Thinker Kerry: Ocean Protection Is ‘Life and Death’ National Security Issue

john-kerry-thinkerSecretary of State John Kerry spoke Friday morning at an ocean preservation summit at Georgetown University, saying the state of the world’s oceans is a pressing international security issue. “This is life and death. This is national security. This is international security,” Kerry said. He cited black carbon in the Arctic, rapidly increasing acidification in oceans that harms crustaceans, and illegal, unregulated fishing that is “strip mining the oceans and threatens to destroy an entire ecosystem.” The speech comes just two days after State Department Under Secretary Cathy Novelli cautioned in a press briefing that the amount of plastic in the ocean is so high that “if you lined up garbage bags of plastic along the coast, every coastline that touches the ocean in the entire world, you would have five deep of garbage bags.” If current patterns continue, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050, she said. Read the dogma here 09:12