Tag Archives: Rowan Jacobsen

Not Enough (Cod)Fish In The Sea? – Audio and Counting Fish | Estimating the Gulf of Maine’s Fish Population

Not Enough (Cod)Fish In The Sea? – There’s long been a debate over exactly how many fish there are in the sea — especially cod. Cod has been overfished for decades and because of that, strict catch limits were put in place, particularly in the Gulf of Maine where cod were once plentiful. more@wbur

Counting Fish | Estimating the Gulf of Maine’s Fish Population – My shift ends at midnight. I deliver Ziploc bags of herring heads to the walk-in freezer, power-wash the fish gunk off my foul-weather gear, and turn my work­station over to the night watch, who will work until noon. I’ve been on duty aboard the Henry B. Bigelow,, more@yankee  10:37