Tag Archives: self-proclaimed “modern” environmentalists

The Pope’s Environmental Message. There’s Plenty That Environmentalists Might Not Want to Hear

Pope Francis, who certainly heaps plenty of blame on humans for the mess we have made of the natural world, is having none of this absolutist environmental “It’s Us Against Nature” piety. Nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting in which we live. When we speak of the “environment,” what we really mean is a relationship existing between nature and the society which lives in it. Nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting in which we live. We are part of nature, included in it and thus in constant interaction with it. Nor does Pope Francis have much affection for the pragmatic market-based Ecomodernist approach of self-proclaimed “modern” environmentalists who propose that technology and human wisdom can make the future good, even great.  Read the rest here 08:39