Tag Archives: Sen. Barbara Mikulski

Fishtown Local: Feds’ cruelest joke of all – It’s not so economical comical now that “real job’s” are at stake, eh?

gdt iconCan I believe what I’m reading? (Yes, you can) Is this some kind of colossal joke? (No, it’s not!) It seems more like a story from The Onion, which specializes in sick humor on the national level. But yes, it’s true. Sen. Barbara Mikulski, a Democrat from Maryland has had a running battle with NOAA for years, accusing it of operating without congressional oversight and incorporating a flawed decision-making process, particularly in the Chesapeake Bay region. (Well, it’s much more than that, Gordon.) more@GDT  00:11

GDT Editorial: Making the case for strong NOAA presence here

gdt iconThe continued inclusion of a breakup of NOAA’s Northeast Regional headquarters in a U.S. Senate Appropriations bill promising up to $150 million in aid for America’s fishermen may not seem like a big deal to many of those in the industry throughout the Northeast and beyond. more@GDT 00:41