Tag Archives: tidal power

EDITORIAL: Tidal turbines’ troubled waters

For decades, politicians and provincial boosters have been touting the potential of Nova Scotia’s tidal power. We’re steeped in tide lore around here, from the Shubenacadie River’s tidal bore to those time-lapse videos of dockside fishing boats being floated off the bottom by the incoming tide. There’s enormous power in the Bay of Fundy, if only some clever engineer could channel it somehow into our energy grid. It’s clean, it’s renewable and it’s free. Well, it’s proving more complicated, expensive and difficult to harness that energy than even the most skeptical observer could have imagined. And an accident involving a fishing boat is just more bad news for efforts to use the tides to wean ourselves from coal-burning electricity generation. >click to read<13:15

Stakeholders ponder Fundy’s future – Fishermen consider condition of bay; politicians contemplate power possibilities

Fundy Fishermen tidal powerHubert Saulnier quit school at 15 to fish and spent the next 45 years hauling his living from the waters of the Bay of Fundy. “I’m not an environmentalist — far from it,” Saulnier said. “I like to kill fish, and I like to kill as much as I can.” The big issue for him used to be about leaving “our kids” with a good fishery. “Well, I think we need to leave our children and our grandchildren a clean ocean. The fishery will take care of itself if we do that. “If the ocean is not clean then nobody will have anything.” Read the rest here 11:19

Maine tidal power company awarded $5 million in federal grant money (comments reflect skepticism)

BDNOne of the U.S. Department of Energy grants was worth $1.9 million and will help the company develop new ways to monitor tidal current, according to Pingree’s office. The other grant, about $3 million, will be used to help fund development of more efficient generator equipment. more@bdn 10:27