Tag Archives: Whiting season needs to start earlier

HEY JOHN BULLARD! Sam Novello has a message for you! – Whiting season needs to start earlier

gdt iconThe whiting resource is a healthy stock and overfishing is not occurring. Our economy and fishermen would benefit from an earlier opening — only 15 days earlier — of this fisheries. The reasons: Fishermen have no shrimp season this year. NOAA tells us there is no codfish to catch. What is going to happen to our shore fleet? I sent this note to NOAA and was told that it was not its decision, and to contact New England Fisheries Management Council. I did, and talked to Mr. Applegate, who is the head of Whiting Committee, and was told it would take until 2015 to address this matter. My thoughts are our fishing management really needs help. Our Northeast regional administrator, John Bullard, shared his views on Nov. 19 on challenges and opportunities in the fisheries. I believe John has the authority to open this area up; his challenge is to open this area — only 15 days earlier — and give fishermen an opportunity to fish it. more@gdt  11:12