What I thought when viewing the viral boat collision video, and my thought was of Walter Krupinski

This is the moment US fishermen jumped ship and narrowly missed being mowed down by another boat. The footage shows the trio frantically trying to catch the attention of the vessel’s skipper, before diving into the water at the last moment. >click here to watch< The video is horrifying, and as many of you know, we’ve posted numerous articles about this same type of tragedy that cost a well known and respected New England commercial rod and reel fisherman, 81-year-old Walter Krupinski, his life. >click here to read< Watching the three people that bailed out in the nick of time get away with their lives at the hands of another mariner, shows how lucky they were, and the horror Walter Krupinski’s final moments. I find myself grateful for the lives spared, but I just can’t not think of Walter, and the pain this has caused for his family, friends, and loved ones. BH