Officials suspend search for two fishermen who went missing in Downeast Maine

The U.S. Coast Guard has officially suspended the search for two commercial fishermen who were reported missing after they did not return to port on Saturday night. Chester Barret and his son Aaron Barrett were on board their fishing vessel F/V Sudden Impact. They planned to travel from Edmunds to South Addition. The 34-foot scallop vessel left Cobscook Bay State Park around 5 a.m. Saturday. After encountering rough conditions, they planned to seek refuge in Cutler but became unreachable, according to authorities. On Sunday night at 6 p.m. the search was called off. The Coast Guard said they searched for more than 42 hours combined and 950 square miles of ocean and coastline with the help of Marine Patrol and other agencies. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:10

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