‘We will never forget’: Community fills ‘Fishermen’s Church’ in annual tribute to lost trawlermen

In “The Fishermen’s Church” in St George’s Road, a community gathered today to commemorate the thousands of lives lost at sea while sailing out of Hull to put food on the nation’s tables. They number more than 6,000 men and boys who never returned to a port that was once home to the largest deep-water fishing fleet in the world. This was the 36th Annual Lost Trawlermen’s Day Service organised by Hull fishing heritage group STAND, which is held on the last Sunday in January – a particularly dangerous time of year for fishermen because of the weather. And there could be no greater illustration of that than the fact this years’ service fell 70 years to the day since the terrible loss of two Hull trawlers, Lorella and Rodrigo, who went down with the loss of all 40 hands. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 13:47

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