State legislators get taste of N.C. commercial fishing bounty at N.C. Fish Fry and Seafood Sampler

Sen-Sanderson-Britt-Shackleford-e1463835746471Close to a dozen organizations representing the commercial fishing industry were on hand to introduce North Carolina’s government leaders to the state’s seafood bounty. This gathering has become one of the most important forums for members of the industry to explain the important economic contributions made by the commercial seafood industry, all while battling federal and state regulators, environmental interests, and a well-funded recreational fishing industry which often seeks to reduce commercial catch quotas and restrict harvesting methods. Sen. Bill Cook (R-Beaufort) and Sen. Norman Sanderson (R-Pamlico) enlightened their colleagues about the economic importance, cultural heritage and threats to the long-term survival of commercial fishermen, and appealed for their support. Read the rest here 10:04

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