Daily Archives: January 18, 2025
Notice to Lobster Fishers and Mariners: Large Aggregation of North Atlantic Right Whales Present on Jeffreys Ledge
Seventy-five endangered North Atlantic right whales (NARW) were observed this week just off the western edge of Jeffreys Ledge, centered approximately near position 43° N, 70° 07’ W. There is a substantial amount of lobster gear in the immediate vicinity that poses an acute entanglement risk to the whales. DMF strongly urges any lobster fishers with gear in the vicinity of Jeffreys Ledge to move their gear to another area as soon as possible and keep away from this area until surveys indicate that the whales have moved on. This large surface-active group of NARW’s is also at a substantial risk of a vessel strike. charts, links, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:56
Save Our Fishermen’s Future RALLY!
Maine did it! So can New Hampshire! Save Our Fishermen’s Future Rally! Atlantic States Maries Fisheries Commission ASMFC ruled that lobster fisherman must throw back any lobster under one to one and one-quarter pounds, a new government regulation. The last time lobster length was increased was in 1983 and for the following three years the industry almost collapsed. If this increase is implemented on July 1st this year a good chunk of our fishermen will not survive.Come and meet the men and women who risk a lot to fish our oceans and are the economic drivers of much of our seacoast economy. Let’s help them by attending the Save Our Seacoast Economy event at the New Castle Town Hall Conference Room 49 Main St. New Castle, NH at 6:00 PM. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:42

Tensions flare as Channel seiners clash
The crew of UK-flagged, Urk-owned seine netter F/V Henk Senior are accused of hostile actions towards Boulogne seiner F/V Rose de Cascia in an incident that Xavier Bertrand describes as being ‘of exceptional gravity’ and as crossing a ‘critical threshold.’ Reports are that the 30-metre Henk Senior’s crew grappled the 19-metre Rose de Cascia’s seine rope, hauling the French vessel backwards before the seine rope parted. Rose de Cascia was able to retrieve its gear. He states that this goes significantly further than the usual problems of co-operation between fishermen in the wake of Brexit, and that this incident is an example of ‘the tensions in the Pas-de-Calais region since Brexit and the reduction in fishing areas.’ more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:31