Tag Archives: crab quota transfers

Skates, crab quota transfers, Gulf rationalization on tap, Molly Dischner – Portland, Ore., meeting Feb. 6-12

npfmcThe North Pacific Fishery Management Council is poised to take final action  on skate habitat designations and community rights for Bering Sea and Aleutian  Island crab fisheries at its Portland, Ore., meeting Feb. 6-12. The council will also talk about a possible rationalization program for the  Central Gulf of Alaska, or GOA. The February agenda includes two discussion  papers on that issue — one on trawl economic data collection, and one on trawl  catch shares. There’s also an agenda item to review the issues that will arise  for Western GOA fishermen as the Central GOA is rationalized, something that the  council has heard testimony on at prior meetings. Read more here