Tag Archives: Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources
American Samoan Fishermen get help from DMWR
Fishermen of alia vessels and small motorized boats are now getting help from the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources to pay for their fuel when they go fishing. Earlier this year, the Governor’s Office allotted $150,000 to DMWR to begin providing assistance to fishermen and small boat owners. Read more here 22:20
American Samoa DMWR Director reports on local issues
A crown of thorns or alamea outbreak and the removal of sea cucumbers were some of the issues the director of the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources highlighted during her statement at the 31st US Coral Reef Task Force Meeting. DMWR Director Dr. Ruth Matagi-Tofiga is a member of the All Island Committee of the Task Force, which comprises American Samoa, CNMI, Florida, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Read more here talaneia.com 16:44
American Samoa: Sea cucumber off limits for 6 months
Governor Lolo has signed an executive order placing a ban on the removal of sea cucumbers from local waters. The worm-like and usually soft-bodied echinoderms keep the reefs clean. However in recent years, the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources has seen the species being removed in alarmingly great numbers and exported to Asia, where they are a staple in stir-fry, soups and stews. [email protected] 22:57
Territory dedicates WPFMC funded projects – Fisheries Council welcomed with ava ceremony
The Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources and the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council dedicated on Friday and Saturday several projects that were funded by the Council for the benefit of local fishermen. continued Local leaders today welcomed members of the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council with an ava ceremony at the Fale Tele at Suigaula o le Atuvasa. continued
American Samoa – DMWR moves on abandoned boats
The Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources is on a mission to remove vessels which have been sitting idle at the docks for some time. The only response to the misfortune of the longliners? Audio, Read more