Tag Archives: EDF-polished NOAA

UNCLOS: Senate ratification is optional?

I’ve always believed that UN treaties could not be implemented in the USA without Senate ratification? What’s up with this?

Apparently NOAA disagrees with waiting for US Senate ratification of the UNCLOS (aka the law of the sea treaty):

As a matter of national and economic security and international leadership, the U.S. follows the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea. This law establishes claims of territorial waters and universal legal controls for the management of marine natural resources and the control of pollution.


“our efforts to redesign fisheries”

This article should be renamed to “How a TED grant helped spread a job killing scam”

Some of the lowlites:

– Overfishing is the number-one threat to the oceans’ ability to provide food and sustain life.

– EDF’s Oceans Program has turned this investment into what we now call the “Big Bet,” a campaign to convert the majority of  US, Canadian and Latin American fisheries to catch shares.

–  It is critical that the world’s movers and shakers gain a working knowledge of our efforts to redesign fisheries.

+ Economics: 80% revenue increases per boat due to better yields and dockside prices.

And the results are coming in. This radical scam is ruining the commercial fishing industry, where ever it is deployed. It’s easy to increase the revenue per boat. Fleet reduction!

Pulling one out the archives for Stephen Taufen. “Ted Steven’s may be dead, but his virus is affecting every American!”

Mon Nov 1, 2010 1:19 PM EDT By bore-head007

“Hesitating in the face of evil is equivalent to siding with the enemy” – Marion Pritchard

Senator Ted Stevens. THE Stevens in Magnuson Stevens Act. The much revered Senator from Alaska. The Icon to every quota holding participant in Alaska, and now New England, soon in California. The hero of Catch Shares. Consolidation.

About Stephen Taufen A public watchdog and advocate for fishermen and their coastal communities. Taufen is an “insider” who blew the whistle on the international profit laundering between global affiliates of North Pacific seafood companies, who use illicit accounting to deny the USA the proper taxes on seafood trade. The same practices are used to lower ex-vessel prices to the fleets, and to bleed monies from our regional economy. Worked 20 years in the Alaska seafood industry for processors in cost accounting, fleet management, operations.

Groundswell Fisheries Movement

Welcome to Groundswell’s Public Advocacy website for Alaskan Fisheries
