Tag Archives: Port Mouton Bay

Near Fish Farms, Lobster Catches Plummet

Lobster fishers catch fewer market-sized lobsters, and see fewer fertile females, in areas close to fish farms in Nova Scotia, according to new research led by Inka Milewski, a research associate at Dalhousie University in Halifax. Lobster fishers working in Port Mouton Bay, Nova Scotia, keep detailed records of when and where they fish and how many lobsters they catch. By analyzing 11 years of fishers’ records, Milewski and her colleagues found that the reduction in catch was greatest in the areas closest to open-net-pen aquaculture sites and lowest in the areas farthest away. On average, the scientists calculated a 42 percent drop in the lobster catch and a 56 percent drop in observed egg-bearing females in years when the fish farms were active in the bay. >click to read<11:20

Fish farm fight continues – The Friends of Port Mouton are back on task after the restocking of the fish pens in Port Mouton Bay.

Ruth and Ron Loucks presented a slideshow on some of the affects the farm is having on the bay.  The slideshow showed photographs of pink coloured waste leading away from the fish farms in trails, along with a lighter coloured oily slick.  Other photos showed a thick brown foam that collected on Summerville Beach and Carter’s Beach. continued@theadvance