Tag Archives: Preliminary Injunction issued

BREAKING NEWS From North Carolina Fisheries Association – JUDGE RULES IN OUR FAVOR!!!

JUDGE TO ISSUE PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION! Judge ruled in our favor!!! He will issue a Preliminary Injunction! Judge John Jolly, Jr., listened to 2 hours of testimony from our side and the state, recessed at noon and came back at 1:30 to announce his decision. There will be no closure of the recreational or commercial southern flounder fisheries on Oct 16th and no quota for the pound net fishery! Daily reporting will NOT be required for the pound net fishery. Size limit remains at 15 and gear restrictions such as escape panels & 6 in minimum mesh for gillnets remain in effect. Many thanks to our attorneys, Steve Weeks and Todd Roessler and to Jess Hawkins who testified on our behalf. Also thanks to those who have contributed to our Southern Flounder fund! If you have not yet contributed, please do so! This injunction is good, but we still are facing a final hearing at some point and we have not collected enough to pay all the bills!  Checks should be made payable to: NCFA Southern Flounder Fund 2807 Neuse Blvd; Suite 11 New Bern, NC 28562 16:22