Body Recovered from Fishing Vessel Sudden Impact.

Trescott, Maine – On Sunday February 2, 2025, at approximately 7:00 a.m. a team of highly-skilled volunteer divers located and recovered a body from inside the cabin of the fishing vessel Sudden Impact.

The recovered body has been transported to the medical examiner’s office for formal identification.

The Maine Marine Patrol along with local fishermen and the Maine State Police/Marine Patrol Underwater Recovery Dive Team have been working to recover the body since it was first located on January 23rd inside the vessel.

The Sudden Impact, with Chester Barrett and his son Aaron, fishermen from South Addison, sank Saturday January 18th when the two were transiting from Edmunds to South Addison.

The vessel was located on January 19th in 160 feet of water about three-quarters of a mile southwest of Moose River in eastern Washington County.

“Throughout this difficult process, the Barrett family has led the mission to recover Chester and Aaron, supported by numerous local fishermen,” said Marine Patrol Captain Colin MacDonald. “The volunteer dive team showed exceptional skill in difficult conditions.

“Facing air temperatures near zero degrees, extreme tidal currents, and limited underwater visibility, the dive team members, executed a meticulously planned dive to conduct a thorough search of the vessel,” said Captain MacDonald.

“This effort required the unique abilities of this highly skilled team of technical divers,” said Captain MacDonald. “They are renowned as some of the best wreck divers in the country who utilized state-of-the-art equipment to descend 160 feet to the ocean floor, where Sudden Impact lay,” said Captain MacDonald.

The volunteer divers, who are from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, include Chris Ogden, Richard Simon, Bob Foster, Mark Bowers, and Harold Moyers, with surface support provided by Eric Simon.

“The outpouring of assistance from the community has been extraordinary, with individuals and businesses offering help in various capacities. This overwhelming support is a testament to the strength, resilience, and unity of our coastal communities,” said Captain MacDonald.

The second individual who was on board the vessel was not found on or near the site.

Maine Marine Patrol will continue periodic patrols in the area with the goal of locating the second individual.

“We extend our deepest gratitude to all those involved in this recovery effort, particularly the divers and local community members who dedicated their time and resources to assisting the Barrett family during this heartbreaking time,” said Captain MacDonald.

5 Responses to Body Recovered from Fishing Vessel Sudden Impact.

  1. Lisa Crowley says:

    True heros…the men that have this skill set to get it done and to donate their time to help people they don’t know but may relate to. A prayer seldom answered. Thank God for this bit of relief and continued prayers for a short coming second recovery!

  2. Rachel says:

    Wow – so grateful for their service – protect these men at all costs and I hope they know how appreciated they are

    • John says:

      I personally know these divers and they are all stand up guys.Rick keeps his dive boat at our fishing won’t find a more humble and down to earth guy.

  3. So grateful for these brave volunteers and the efforts of DMR and the Northern Maine fishing community.

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