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Featured Writers
Carmine Gorga
My View: The need for real science in Magnuson by Carmine Gorga
Fish and Future
The predator-prey model
Dick Grachek
The Real “Seafood Fraud” Mislabeling Miscreants – Further Thoughts on Oceana’s “fight seafood fraud” Campaign
Dick Grachek: Thank you Seth Macinko
My vote is NO.
Pew laboring overtime on Tuna, in the Biblical sense.
Rebuttal: And how ’bout we have a “day of reckoning” for agenda driven anti-fishing misinformation? Now that would be some American Progress.
CLF and The Right to the Judicial System
CLF and CLF Ventures: or we get rich by litigating the hostile takeover and trading away of public resources for corporate exploitation while claiming to save the planet.
BULLARD, SHELLEY, and COD: or Fish Being and Nothingness
Cod, NOAA, and Existence
Connect the dots…
Seismic Blasting: More Dots
NOAA IS BENT ON AQUACULTURE: or With friends like this….
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Science Notes: Atlantic Discovery
I risk appearing way-too-jaded, but can’t help being inspired by endeavors like this one:
NOAA Fisheries Names Doug Lipton Senior Research Economist – Nice! Another Enviro-Capitalist—just what we need.
The Great Fish Crisis Fraud
John Johnson
Environmental Profiteers Ocean in Peril?
American Style Environmentalism is Destroying The Environment
Fish in the Northwest Atlantic Are Going Hungry New Science From Maine’s Department of Marine Resources Helps To Explain Why.
Fishing Vessel Engineering: An Easy Fix For Generator Caused Electrolysis
Fishing Vessel Engineering: Bearing Failure On Fishing Vessels
Nature Con 2014 with GoPEW Villian 3 Video
The Ringer – A True Story of the National Marine Fisheries Service Observer Program
Joel Hovanesian
They Told Us
A well thought out strategy to destroy an industry
Has the time come?
Stephen Taufen
FISHERIES RANT FOR SUMMER READING: Volksverdummung’s Alive and Well in Fisheries
Who Owns Fish Under BRIBERIZATION – Stephan Taufen
Privatized fisheries are poor public policy
Just Take a Trawler and Processor Lobbyist’s Advice
Central Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Catch Share Schemes Continue at Kodiak Fisheries Work Group and Fisheries Advisory Committee:
Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Ratz: Kodiak assemblies’ letter misses the protective mark
The Writings of Nils Stolpe
“Anecdotal Information” is what the professional fisheries people call it, usually dismissively.
Monitoring fishermen – Sampling or sentencing?
Your roots are showing – don’t be convinced by seeming grass roots efforts
Blue Water Fishermen’s Association – Raising the conservation bar for almost a quarter of a century
Atlantic herring – lots of smoke but where’s the fire?
Seafood certification – who’s really on first?
NILS STOLPE: Of gumballs, the American Sportfishing Association and fisheries management
Towards rationality in fisheries management
Fishosophy: Overfished or Depleted?
Fishosophy – A New Blog and Is this any way to manage a fishery?
A staggering loss to U.S. fishermen and U.S. seafood consumers.
Fisheries Management–More Than Meets The Eye
Nils E. Stolpe: Flotsam and Jetsam FishNet-USA/December 8, 2013
First Swordfish, Now Bluefin – Fishnet USA
Where’s Hercules when we really need him?
Center for Sustainable Fisheries
The Magnuson Stevens Act and it’s Ten Year Rebuilding Timeline: Science or Fiction?
Center for Sustainable Fisheries Statement on Bill No. 4742 from Listening Session with Congressman Tierney and Congressman DeFazio
The Magnuson-Stevens Act is in Need of Congressional Attention
From the Moderator
The First Indicator – Looking Back. The 2nd indicator, looking forward.
The Observer Program. Expanded
Out of Nowhere Comes an Updated Stock Assessment on Cod!
Paddling with our Hands
NOAA Fisheries Service? No such agency!
Waking up with Wicked Tuna on the Morning Buzz, WHEB the Rock station
Fisherynation Classified
Press Releases
Enviro (E-NGO)
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– Featured Writers
–– Carmine Gorga
––– My View: The need for real science in Magnuson by Carmine Gorga
––– Fish and Future
––– The predator-prey model
–– Dick Grachek
––– The Real “Seafood Fraud” Mislabeling Miscreants – Further Thoughts on Oceana’s “fight seafood fraud” Campaign
––– Dick Grachek: Thank you Seth Macinko
––– My vote is NO.
––– Pew laboring overtime on Tuna, in the Biblical sense.
––– Rebuttal: And how ’bout we have a “day of reckoning” for agenda driven anti-fishing misinformation? Now that would be some American Progress.
––– CLF and The Right to the Judicial System
––– CLF and CLF Ventures: or we get rich by litigating the hostile takeover and trading away of public resources for corporate exploitation while claiming to save the planet.
––– BULLARD, SHELLEY, and COD: or Fish Being and Nothingness
––– Cod, NOAA, and Existence
––– Connect the dots…
––– Seismic Blasting: More Dots
––– NOAA IS BENT ON AQUACULTURE: or With friends like this….
––– Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Science Notes: Atlantic Discovery
––– I risk appearing way-too-jaded, but can’t help being inspired by endeavors like this one:
––– NOAA Fisheries Names Doug Lipton Senior Research Economist – Nice! Another Enviro-Capitalist—just what we need.
––– The Great Fish Crisis Fraud
–– John Johnson
––– Environmental Profiteers Ocean in Peril?
––– American Style Environmentalism is Destroying The Environment
––– Fish in the Northwest Atlantic Are Going Hungry New Science From Maine’s Department of Marine Resources Helps To Explain Why.
––– Fishing Vessel Engineering: An Easy Fix For Generator Caused Electrolysis
––– Fishing Vessel Engineering: Bearing Failure On Fishing Vessels
––– Nature Con 2014 with GoPEW Villian 3 Video
––– The Ringer – A True Story of the National Marine Fisheries Service Observer Program
–– Joel Hovanesian
––– They Told Us
––– A well thought out strategy to destroy an industry
––– Has the time come?
–– Stephen Taufen
––– FISHERIES RANT FOR SUMMER READING: Volksverdummung’s Alive and Well in Fisheries
––– Who Owns Fish Under BRIBERIZATION – Stephan Taufen
––– Privatized fisheries are poor public policy
––– Just Take a Trawler and Processor Lobbyist’s Advice
––– Central Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Catch Share Schemes Continue at Kodiak Fisheries Work Group and Fisheries Advisory Committee:
––– Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Ratz: Kodiak assemblies’ letter misses the protective mark
–– The Writings of Nils Stolpe
––– “Anecdotal Information” is what the professional fisheries people call it, usually dismissively.
––– Monitoring fishermen – Sampling or sentencing?
––– Your roots are showing – don’t be convinced by seeming grass roots efforts
––– Blue Water Fishermen’s Association – Raising the conservation bar for almost a quarter of a century
––– Atlantic herring – lots of smoke but where’s the fire?
––– Seafood certification – who’s really on first?
––– NILS STOLPE: Of gumballs, the American Sportfishing Association and fisheries management
––– Towards rationality in fisheries management
––– Fishosophy: Overfished or Depleted?
––– Fishosophy – A New Blog and Is this any way to manage a fishery?
––– A staggering loss to U.S. fishermen and U.S. seafood consumers.
––– Fisheries Management–More Than Meets The Eye
––– Nils E. Stolpe: Flotsam and Jetsam FishNet-USA/December 8, 2013
––– First Swordfish, Now Bluefin – Fishnet USA
––– Where’s Hercules when we really need him?
–– Center for Sustainable Fisheries
––– The Magnuson Stevens Act and it’s Ten Year Rebuilding Timeline: Science or Fiction?
––– Center for Sustainable Fisheries Statement on Bill No. 4742 from Listening Session with Congressman Tierney and Congressman DeFazio
––– The Magnuson-Stevens Act is in Need of Congressional Attention
–– From the Moderator
––– The First Indicator – Looking Back. The 2nd indicator, looking forward.
––– The Observer Program. Expanded
––– Out of Nowhere Comes an Updated Stock Assessment on Cod!
––– Paddling with our Hands
––– NOAA Fisheries Service? No such agency!
––– Waking up with Wicked Tuna on the Morning Buzz, WHEB the Rock station
– Fisherynation Classified
– Press Releases
–– Letters
–– Enviro (E-NGO)
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