Tag Archives: Athearn Marine Agency
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 73’X 20′ Steel Stern Trawler w/Federal & State Permits
To review specifications, information, with 45 photos, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series >click here< o6:38
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 50’x18′ Dixon Lobster/Scalloper, John Deere Diesel, Permits available
To review specifications, information, with 2 photos, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series >click here< 06:18
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 44′ 6″ Mussel Ridge Lobster/ Tuna,750HP – John Deere Diesel, Video
To review specifications, information, with 10 photos, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series >click here<06:30
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 32′ Mitchell Cove Lobster Boat, 500HP John Deere Diesel
To review specifications, information, with 10 photos, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series >click here< 06:20
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 65′ Gladding & Hearn Steel Lobster Boat, Cummins 855
To review specifications, information, with 24 photos, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series >click here< 06:35
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 49’x16′ Scalloper/Dragger, Cat 3406 B, NGOM Permit
To review specifications, information, with 17 photos’, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series >click here< 06:27
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 50′ Steel Scalloper/Longliner, 500HP Iveco C13 Diesel
To review specifications, information, with 17 photos’, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series >click here< 06:30
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 45′ Peter Kass Lobster Boat, 700HP CAT C-18
To review specifications, information, and 16 photos’, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series >click here< 06:03
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 38′ H&H Lobster/Scalloper, 425HP John Deere 6090 Diesel
To review specifications, information, with 10 photos’, >click here<. Includes 4′ aluminum extension and 400 traps, including scallop gear with winch, mast, boom, 2 drags. To see all the boats in this series >click here<. 06:28
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 68′ Raised Wheelhouse Longliner, Cummins KT1150, Tripack permit available
To review specifications, information, and 50 photos’, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series >click here< 07:03
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 42′ x 17′ Dixon Lobster Boat, New 800HP Scania D113 Diesel
To review specifications, information, and 26 photos’, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series >click here< 06:22
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 62′ Steel Longliner with Permit, 400HP Cummins
To review specifications, information, and 47 photos’, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series >click here< 06:00
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 44’11” Provincial Longliner Rod & Reel
To review specifications, information, and 37 photos’, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series >click here< 06:21
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 49′ Fiberglass Gillnetter/Lobster Boat w/ Permits, Cat 3406B
To review specifications, information, and 7 photos’, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series >click here< 06:10
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 42′ H&H Lobster Boat, 550HP John Deere Diesel
To review specifications, information, and 27 photos’, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series >click here< 06:02
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 52′ Steel Day Scalloper, Cummins NT-855 MI
To review specifications, information, with 36 photos’,>click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here<. 06:28
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 57′ Fiberglass Crabber/Groundfish/ Scalloper, Caterpillar 3406
To review specifications, information, with 33 photos’,>click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here<. 06:50
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 62′ Turnkey Fiberglass Dragger, Cat 3408
To review specifications, information, with 25 photos’,>click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here<. 06:24
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 45’x20′ Novi Lobster Boat, John Deere Diesel with Permit
To review specifications, information, and 25 photos’,>click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here<. 06:19
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 70′ Williams Shrimp Trawler
To review specifications, information, and 46 photos’,>click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here< 06:24
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 43′ Fiberglass Dragger with Permits, Detroit Diesel 8-V-71
To review specifications, information, and 10 photos’,>click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here< 06:50
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 49′ Fiberglass Gillnetter, Lobster w/ Permits, CAT 3406B
To review specifications, information, and 10 photos’,>click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here< 06:21
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 45′ x 19′ Dixon Lobster/ Scalloper W/ Permit, 750HP John Deere 6135
To review specifications, information, and 11 photos’, >click here<. To see all the boats in this series, >click here< 06:23
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 36′ Wayne Beal Lobster Boat, 675HP, Scania D1-13 086M Diesel, Video
To review specifications, information, and 10 photos’, and Video, >click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here< 06:09
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 50′ Duffy Gillnetter, Lobster,Longliner,Scalloper
To review specifications, information, and 26 photos’, >click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here< 06:38
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 60’x18’x9′ Astor Longliner, Cummins KT 1150
To review specifications, information, and 15 photos’, >click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here< 06:46
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 83′ Steel Shrimp Freezer Trawler/Dragger, 600HP Cummins KTA-19 Diesel
To review specifications, information, and 12 photos’, >click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here< 06:33
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 44’x17′ Novi Lobster, Gillnetter, Scalloper
To review specifications, information, and 25 photos’, >click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here< 06:25
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 68′ Gamage Steel Dragger, 3412 Cat, Permits available
To review specifications, information, and 21 photos’, >click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here< 06:23
Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 35′ H & H Lobster Boat, 450HP Cummins QSL9 Diesel
To review specifications, information, and 11 photos’, >click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here< 06:32