Pseudo-science and naked emperors?
I have long followed closely the development of issues related to fisheries, their management, scientific advice, political actions, and the behaviour of those who hold fishing rights. One could write books and produce documentaries on this topic. In fact, it might even warrant dedicated research, given the significant impact it has had on the development of Icelandic society over the past decades. This document focuses solely on the advice provided, its assumptions, and its outcomes. Magnús Jónsson – In 1957, two British fisheries scientists, Ray Beverton and Sidney Holt, proposed a hypothetical model (the BH model) that attempted to calculate the expected number of fish in a particular cohort based on the number of individuals in the previous generation. Although variations of this model (such as the Ricker model) have been used in fisheries science since then, the BH model remains today in use to describe the relationship between recruitment and the size of the spawning stock. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:35
More Magnus Johnson, with some Nils Stolpe! >>Click to read<<
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Ray-particularly in view of the dismal failures of various “management” measures put in place by the so-called experts in fisheries management-it’s way past the time when responsible researchers started to question the assumed wisdom of using decades-old (and decades senescent) assumptions as the basis for more often than not-misapplied management dictates, particularly in view of the growth of knowledgeable unacceptance of those dictates.
Clearly the “management establishment” hasn’t much of a clue as to what’s going on in the oceans, yet their “status quo” continues to grasp at mythological straws instead of any real fixes for the chaos our fishermen have been interminably struggling with for decades.
Please keep on keeping on. Fishermen need your voice, as they need Ray H’s and his people’s and a too small-yet growing-group of researchers who are so thoroughly dissatisfied with the Silver Spring Mandates from on high.
Hi Nils. I was looking to see what else we had on Magnus, and I ran across one of your classics, “Fish Wars” or a Regime Shift in Ocean Governance? Nils E. Stolpe! It’s in the link for those looking for more. Be well! Bore