Monthly Archives: July 2013

Marine experts: Gulf of Maine has become a cod-forsaken place, endangering all fisheries

“Big fish are ecologically extinct,” Steneck said of the Gulf of Maine ecosystem. “They’re not absent … but in terms of an ecological presence, they’re extinct.” The same warmer ocean temperatures that have helped push cod populations north, Steneck said, have provided lobster with a deeper range in which to settle their larva. Sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic were the highest ever recorded in 2012, following years of historically rapid warming.

“We had a big red hake fishery 30 or 40 years ago,” testified veteran Rhode Island fisherman Rodman Sykes during a morning panel discussion. “We’d fill our boats with them. … We didn’t know where they went. I learned today they came up here [to Maine].” continued@portlandpress


Florida aquaculture officials take cautious approach to Apalachicola Bay aquaculture leases

In a lengthy and detailed face-to-face meeting with local seafood industry leaders Monday afternoon, Florida aquaculture officials signaled they planned to take a cautious approach to opening up Apalachicola Bay to small oyster harvesting leases. continued@thetimes

The Gulf of Maine has experienced significant warming over the last 40 years “It’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen before,” Will Enviro’s continue to blame?

yMaine’s fishermen must be better informed, more communicative about conditions on the water and responsive to change to survive the constant shifts brought by a warming climate and water that is growing warmer and saltier. That was the message from about 100 marine biologists, fisheries managers, commercial fishermen and others who shared both scientific findings and anecdotal observations on the changes that are occurring in the Gulf of Maine. continued@kennebecjournal

Commercial fishermen protest proposal as they anchor boats, pack public hearing

51f9230a19fd0_preview-300Fishermen showed their opposition on Tuesday as well, with nearly two dozen fish captains anchoring their commercial vessels in the Neuse River in protest and more than 600 people attending a public hearing on the petition at the New Bern Riverfront Convention Center. Jimmy Ruhle, a third generation commercial fisherman from Wanchese, said he thought the petition was a back-door attempt to attack allocations. He also said banning trawls from the coastal waters would increase the problems with oxygen depletion in deep waters – due to trawls not being there to turn over the bottom and disperse toxins – and with invasive species not getting caught. continued@carteretcountynewstimes

Gang Green Controled NOAA SLASHES Extending Comment Period on Controversial Halibut Catch Share Plan From 45 to14 days

“I think it’s absolutely silly,” said chamber Executive Director Monte Davis. “We asked for enough time so that people in their busiest time of year would have time to comment.” Begich also expressed disappointment. “Giving Alaskans just two weeks more during the busy summer fishing season to comment on a contentious plan on how we manage our state’s halibut fishery is a disservice,” he said. Begich and Murkowski had asked for a 45-day extension and the chamber requested a 60-day extension. In a press release, NOAA Fisheries NMFS said it recognized the concerns of working fishermen who want the chance to comment. However, extending the comment period longer would jeopardize the prospects of implementing it for the 2014 fishing season, NOAA Fisheries NMFS said. continued@alaskadispatch

Third Time in Three Years – Pesticides Believed to be Cause of Fish Kills in Canada

For the third time in three years, dead fish have been spotted rising to the surface of Barclay Brook where thousands of fish died in 2011 and 2012 after pesticides from farmers’ fields ran off into the water.  Agricultural runoff into streams and other aquatic habitat is not a rare occurrence. Runoff impacts aquatic life, especially sensitive and endangered species. In the U.S., sizeable fish kills have resulted from pesticide use, continued@newsparkforest

Harvesters Land and Sea Coalition alleges Maryland Department of Natural Resources illegally set menhaden regulations

EASTON — A recently organized group, the Harvesters Land and Sea Coalition, is calling for the withdrawal of regulations put into effect in June by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources on the total allowable catch of menhaden, alleging that DNR didn’t follow proper procedure for promulgating the regulations. “We’ve tried and tried and tried to work with DNR, and the reason this coalition was started is we can’t do anything else,” Bob Newberry, spokesman for the coalition, said. continued@stardem

Native Olympia oysters may be doing OK and recovering in Coos Bay despite ocean acidification,”

 As a federal research vessel heads out to study the impact of ocean acidification on Pacific marine life, Oregon biologists are reporting both benign and negative impacts on regional shellfish. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration dispatched the R/V Fairweather from Seattle on Monday for a month-long cruise to collect water, plankton and algae samples. But biologist Steve Rumrill said the future of the South Coast’s native oyster isn’t looking too bad. continued@theworld

Results Are In for Public Survey on Goliath Grouper – News Bulletin From University of Florida IFAS and Florida Sea Grant, July 31, 2013

Among the survey results: Many commercial reef fishermen believe that goliath grouper negatively impact  ecosystems by decimating other fish populations. In addition, goliath interfere  with fishing operations and many commercial fishermen (43 percent of hook and  line, 87 percent of spear fishermen) have had to change where and how they fish  to reduce such interactions. More than 70 percent of commercial fishermen  surveyed would like to see the goliath-harvesting moratorium lifted. continued@floridasportsman


Setnetters – Alaska Department of Fish and Game head-to-head in an Anchorage courtroom on Tuesday. Kenai King Salmon Alliance granted intervention status

Setnetters and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game went head-to-head at a preliminary injunction hearing in an Anchorage courtroom on Tuesday. The Kenai King Salmon Alliance was granted intervention status by the court on Monday, meaning it will be allowed to advocate for the state. continued@ktuu

Today, A Christening. Washington Gov. Inslee to christen F/V Northern Leader

The ship’s company, Alaskan Leader Fisheries, is holding an open house at  Pier 91 at the Port of Seattle between 10 a.m and 4 p.m. Inslee will put his  christening powers to work at 1 p.m. continued@q13fox

In advance of the vessel’s christening in Seattle today, all of the Northern Leader’s Alaskan cod is already earmarked for distribution through a marketing partnership announced by Alaskan Leader Fisheries and Copper River Seafoods. “The completion of the Northern Leader project represents the culmination of over three years of hard work and the commitment of many people,” said Robin Samuelsen, board chairman of Alaskan Leader Fisheries and Bristol Bay Economic Development Corp. continued@fishermensnewsonline

The Diroccos: Early San Pedro settlers built fishing industry into town’s legacy

There wasn’t much to see when two Italian-born brothers sailed into San Pedro Bay in 1883. Although there were some shops in the downtown and an established railroad, old photographs of the bay itself show little more than a hilly waterfront with dirt roads dotted with shacks. But there was one major attraction: the fish. The ocean was teeming with them. continued@dailybreeze

A convenient truth: 90% of the tunas are gone! The ENGO battle cry of sensationalism based on a known flawed Myers/Worm analysis.

Many environmental groups embraced it as proof that all tunas, not just the bluefins, were in serious trouble. On the other hand, tuna scientists who were actually conducting stock assessments, especially for tropical tunas knew immediately that the 90% number was totally wrong.

OCEARCH Research team sets out to tag great white sharks off Chatham shore

“We’re going to learn about how this animal lives from day to day,” said Greg Skomal, a state scientist and leader of Massachusetts’ shark research project, who set sail with the OCEARCH on Tuesday. The vessel is named after the nonprofit ocean-based research organization that spearheaded the trip and got the funding. continued@capecodtoday

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary hearing outcry, sanctuary panel puts off vote on expanded no-take areas

“Everybody just now is getting wind of this,” said Ernie Piton, president of the Florida Keys Commercial Fishermen’s Association and a member of the working group. “There’s no way we’re getting through this today. It’s not possible.” continued@keysnet

NOAA Ripped and Gutted the Heart and Souls of those seeing no way out of financial ruin – ‘We’ve been left with nothing’

gdt iconA few years back, when the feds advised Joe Orlando to increase his number of fishing permits, he invested some $400,000, continuing to follow all the rules and expecting to see the industry bounce back as promised. continued@GDT

New Bern man’s petition to close North Carolina’s sounds and rivers to trawlers seemed to go down in flames Tuesday evening.

One fisheries commission officer estimated that more than 1,000 people attended the meeting, many to speak their piece and others to give support to the fishing industry. Only a couple spoke out in favor of the proposes ruling. continued@sunjournal

PLF challenges bureaucrats’ decision to ignore Congress, let sea otters decimate Southern California fisheries

plfWe represent four organizations that rely on the health of SoCal fisheries—the California Sea Urchin Commission, California Abalone Association, California Lobster and Trap Fishermen’s Association, and the Commercial Fishermen of Santa Barbara. The otter threatens the ability of these fisherman to put food on their table, literally. And the effects will ripple because of the many local businesses that are related to fishing.

Shellfish Industry Lobs Bomb at Sea Otters @courthousenews

Lawsuit challenges sea otter boundary change @the heraldnews

SIGN THE PETITION Support the North Carolina Shrimp Fishermen Fight another Closure.

Local businesses, fishing families and coastal communities depend on catches from trawlers – namely shrimp – as a source of economic commerce, as well as locally-grown, organic protein. More than 90 percent of all shrimp consumed in the country is imported. By designating the state’s inland waters as permanent secondary nursery areas, they would be closed to trawling. If that were to happen, North Carolina would loose a considerable amount of income to foreign competition, as well as access to this bountiful resource and a historic profession among generations of coastal citizens. Secondary nursery areas are already in place to protect habitat in inland waters. Please don’t close the entire area to trawling. Petition

The Fisheries Broadcast with Jamie Baker

Re-opening of the OCI plant in Fortune could be delayed  Scientists are keeping a close eye on cod in Newman

Continuing concerns on the south coast  about infectious salmon anemia  We’ll find out how vessel design rules are affecting new boat construction.

Some fishy DNA testing happening on the Humber River  Open net salmon farms, is the province moving too fast when it comes to aquaculture development?

Why successful salmon season spells trouble for BC fishermen

Commercial salmon fishermen in Prince Rupert spent three days tied to the dock last week, forgoing fishery openings, in protest of a drop in salmon prices.  “The fishermen are pissed!” said seine boat skipper Darrell Enger. “They [Canfisco] just dropped the price without any warning.  continued@thetyee

“microplastic” pollution in the Great Lakes

Also, while it’s unknown where the ocean plastic came from, microscopic examination of Great Lakes samples has produced a smoking gun: many particles are perfectly round pellets. The scientists suspect they are abrasive “micro beads” used in personal care products such as facial and body washes and toothpaste. They’re so minuscule that they flow through screens at waste treatment plants and wind up in the lakes,, continued@usatoday

P.E.I. lab criticized over B.C. fish finding

CBC_News_logoA P.E.I. lab that said it detected a deadly fish virus in British Columbia salmon lacked proper quality standards and didn’t thoroughly investigate conflicting test results, a review has found. continued@cbcnews

“A Climate of Change,” – Climate change and fisheries experts to gather in Portland for wo-day symposium

The nonprofit Island Institute, based in Rockland, will host the meeting Wednesday and Thursday to focus on issues facing fishermen and their communities, as well as scientific findings of scientists about affected marine ecosystems. continued@knnebecjournal

Walmart Back Peddles on it’s MSC Issue. I’m calling it Corporate MSC Blue Washing. Let’s Keel Haul ’em.

Contrary to recent reports that Walmart is swearing off Alaska salmon due to major processors’ decision to cut ties with the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), a spokesman for the global retail giant says Walmart never meant to give that impression. “We’re very committed to Alaska salmon,” Chris Schraeder, a spokesman for Walmart, told Undercurrent News. continued@undercurrent 

It’s too late! Read Nils Stolpes Seafood certificat​ion – who’s really on first?

The sudden passing of Geir Monsen, North Kingstown RI, co-founder of Seafreeze, Ltd.

geirmonsenGeir Monsen, 62, of North Kingstown, passed away Saturday, July 27, 2013. He was the beloved husband of Linda M. (Spas) Herard Monsen.

Born in Norway, he was the son of Karin (Andersen) Monsen of Norway and the late Svein Monsen.

Geir was the co-founder of Seafreeze, Ltd. of North Kingstown. He was an avid sailor.

Besides his wife, he leaves a son, Eirik Monsen and his wife Jennifer of Norton, MA; two step-sons, James Herard of Wickford and Timothy Herard and his wife Kristen of VA; and a grandson Geir Johan Monsen.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend Visiting Hours, Thursday August 1, 2013 from 4-8pm in the FAGAN-QUINN Funeral Home, 825 Boston Neck Road, North Kingstown. His funeral and burial will be private. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions to the Point Judith Fishermen Memorial Foundation, PO Box 3315, Narragansett, RI 02882 will be appreciated.

Seafood certificat​ion – who’s really on first? Nils Stolpe

NetLogoBackground500“Sustainability certification” has become a watchword of people in the so-called marine conservation community in recent years. However, their interest seems to transcend the determination of the actual sustainability of the methods employed to harvest particular species of finfish and shellfish and to use the certification process and the certifiers to advance either their own particular agendas or perhaps the agendas of those foundations that support them financially. continued here

The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is the largest international organization – headquartered in London – providing fish and seafood sustainability certification. It was started in 1996 as a joint effort of the World Wildlife Fund, a transnational ENGO, and Unilever a transnational provider of consumer goods.

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Feeding the Fire – Fishing for Energy Partnership Ports of Gloucester, MA Martha’s Vineyard to Participate

HAVERHILL, MA–(Marketwired – Jul 29, 2013) –  Fishing for Energy, the innovative public-private partnership that provides commercial fishermen a cost-free way to recycle old and unusable fishing gear,,continued@marketwired

Today in New Bern NC – “We can no longer sit back – The commercial fishermen need all of us to be their lobbyist.” Ruth King, Sea Level, NC

On Tuesday July 30, at 12:30 p.m. there will be joint meeting of the Finfish, Habitat and Water Quality, Shellfish/Crustacean and Sea Turtle Advisory Committees at New Bern Riverfront Convention Center

One of the largest recreational groups to work against the commercial fisherman is the Coastal Conservation Association, CCA.,,,currently retain as many as 17 professional state and federal lobbyists and that many of their members are a former U.S. president, Cabinet members, congressmen, senators, ICCAT commissioners (The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas), Fishery Management Council members, governors, state legislators and state and federal fisheries managers. Wow! What a group! Read the letter@nbsunjournal

No charges in probe of fishery firm

RCMP have concluded a four-year investigation into the Shubenacadie Band’s fishery without laying charges. Fisheries and Oceans Canada contacted the police in 2009 to look into the management of a contribution agreement between the department and the band. The deal, signed in 2005 and awash in controversy, gave a band-operated company $5 million for a commercial fishery and covered the purchase of gear, boats, licences and other items. continued@chronicleherald