Tag Archives: Scotland

MAIB Launch Investigation Into Fatal Man Overboard from Kingfisher

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) is to investigate a tragic incident occurred which approximately 30 nautical miles east-northeast of Wick, Scotland, resulting in the fatality of a crew member from the UK-registered fishing vessel Kingfisher (DH110). The unfortunate event unfolded on Friday 12 July 2024, when a crew member went overboard while the vessel was conducting routine fishing operations. Despite immediate efforts by the crew to rescue their colleague, the situation ended in tragedy. The Kingfisher, an 18.35-metre fishing vessel, was operating in the North Sea when the incident took place. The crew quickly initiated a man overboard protocol, deploying life-saving equipment and issuing distress calls to nearby vessels and maritime authorities. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 05:53

Salmon farm vessel sinking sparks call for salmon farming review

On Thursday 4 July a 15-metre boat called the Julie Anne sank to the 20-metre deep seabed at the Fiunary fish farm. No one was aboard the vessel at the time of sinking which occurred around 8 am. Following the sinking green industrialist and campaigner, Dale Vince, has called for a comprehensive reassessment of open-net industrial salmon farming amid claims that the Julie Anne is leaking fuel into a Marine Protected Area. The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) reported that the fuel leakage was ‘contained’, however Vince claims eyewitness footage and drone images show fuel escaping containment booms and spreading into the surrounding protected waters. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 15:51

SFF Looks Forward to Engagement with New UK Government

Scottish fishermen are ready to engage with the newly elected UK Government and new MPs on pressing issues, industry leaders indicated today. SFF chief executive Elspeth Macdonald said: “We will continue to work with both governments north and south of the border. While most domestic fisheries management is devolved to Holyrood, there are other matters within reserved UK competence, and we look forward to working with the new UK Government on these. “We also look forward to building relationships with Scotland’s new MPs as well as working with those who will continue to represent Scottish interests at Westminster.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:05

How an old Peterhead trawler was turned into a luxury Airbnb in Inverness

In 1972, when much of Britain’s fishing fleet became locked in “cod wars” with Iceland, a new wooden-hulled trawler was launched in Peterhead. Made in the shipyard of Richard Irvine, the Achieve FR100, under the watchful eye of Andra Buchan, was about to take to the seas. “White fish fishing” was its one purpose. And for 28 years that’s exactly what she was used for. Now, more than half a century since the launch, herring has been exchanged for hospitality, and choppy seas for the Caledonian Canal. We look back at one of the Blue Toon’s most iconic trawlers and its journey to becoming a luxury bed and breakfast today. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:21

‘I’m a fisherman and lifelong Tory who voted Brexit. I won’t vote for them again’

Fisherman James Stephen has been at sea for more than 40 years. Based in Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, which is home to the largest fishing port in Europe, he voted for Brexit in 2016 in the hope it would give his community a greater share of fishing in UK waters. But eight years on, he feels he was sold a “pack of lies” and says it has cost the Conservatives his vote at the general election. I would say that 99 per cent of the fishing industry would have voted for Brexit in the hope that we could get back control of our waters, rightfully get our share of [fishing] quota which was given away when we joined the EU,” says Mr Stephen. “I hoped, by voting for Brexit, we could undo some of the unjust that was done to the industry then. But for me, it’s been a total disaster. Nothing we were promised materialised.” Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:40

New Chair and Vice-Chair of Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association

Alex Wiseman has retired as chair of the Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association (SPFA) after 15 years of dedicated service, with former vice-chair Richard Williamson elected as the new chair and Alexander (Ally) West becoming the new vice-chair. Tributes were paid to Alex Wiseman at a recent board meeting of the SPFA, who has led the Association with real commitment for a considerable period, ensuring that the voice of Scottish pelagic catching sector was heard at all levels of government. The new chair, Richard Williamson, who is the co-skipper of the Shetland vessel, Research, said: “Alex has been a superb chair and everyone in the Association would like to thank him for excellent work in looking after the interests of our sector for so many years. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:37

Scottish Government Discusses Cetacean Deaths from Fishing Line Entanglements

The Scottish Government has engaged in discussions with the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) regarding their research into reducing cetacean deaths caused by fishing line entanglements. This issue was highlighted during a parliamentary session, where Kenneth Gibson (SNP) inquired about the government’s actions on the matter. Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform, and Islands, Mairi Gougeon, acknowledged the importance of the research and the government’s commitment to addressing the issue. She emphasized the government’s intention to work with stakeholders to minimize bycatch and entanglement of sensitive marine species through the future catching policy. This effort aligns with Scotland’s broader goal of ensuring sustainable fisheries. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:56

Floating Wind Madness in Maine

The Government of Maine has really big plans for floating wind, a floating net zero fantasy, in fact. Since floating wind power is the next big green thing, it is worth taking a close look at this ruinous vision. Floating wind is a fad, not an established technology. It has yet to be built at utility scale or tested in a hurricane. The world’s biggest grid-connected system is a tiny 50 MW and just came online off Scotland. The cost of floating wind is necessarily much greater than fixed wind. A fixed wind tower sits on a simple monopile, while a floating tower sits on a huge complex structure called a floater. We are talking about massive 500-foot towers with 500-ton turbines on top and 300-foot blades catching the wind. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:17

Scots overwhelmingly supportive of fishing sector – Polling shows UK-produced food as important as UK-produced energy

A large majority of Scots are backing the fishing industry amid growing pressure on fishing grounds, in a reminder to politicians not to neglect an important sector ahead of the general election. A new poll commissioned by the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) reveals that 19 in 20 (95.7%) of Scots believe it is important for the UK to retain control over its fisheries. The poll also highlights that 91% agree fishing is a vital part of the UK economy. Additionally, 89.7% of people agree that UK-produced food is just as important as UK-produced energy. These issues will be debated by an election hustings panel including Kate Forbes, Rhoda Grant, Rachael Hamilton and Alastair Carmichael in Edinburgh tomorrow (12 June) at an event hosted by SFF. Please find attached the release and images for use. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks.
“As the public clearly recognises, there needs to be a significant change of mindset by both government and developers before it is too late and fishermen are put out of business. We would not cover our best agricultural land with solar panels. So why should we fill our best fishing grounds with massive wind farms?”  more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:26

Positive signals for Stornoway fishing fleet

With the Stornoway fleet expanding and good earnings available, the industry is again seen as an attractive option while vessel owners need to recruit locally as the supply of migrant labour dries up. The three-week courses will offer a grounding in the industry leading to potential careers. The training includes four mandatory one-day courses which are legally required to enable working on a fishing vessel. These are about sea survival, health and safety, first aid and firefighting.  “There are now 12 trawlers working out of Stornoway and landing to Goat Island. That includes four which are completely new to the fleet within the past couple of years”. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:11

David Cameron vetoes Rockall fishing agreement between Scotland and Ireland

Foreign Secretary David Cameron has vetoed an agreement between Scotland and Ireland to allow Irish fishermen access to the rich fishing grounds around Rockall. Ownership of the tiny granite islet 230 miles off the coast of the Outer Hebrides in the Atlantic is disputed by the UK and the Republic of Ireland 263 miles to the south. Irish vessels, which traditionally fished the waters around the remote rock for haddock and squid, were barred from a 12-mile territorial zone around it after Brexit, when the UK left the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:39

‘Attacked’ Scottish fishing industry issues plea to John Swinney amid worker shortage

Ever since Brexit, recruiting enough fishermen to sustain the iconic Scottish fishing fleet has been challenging. For a long time, the industry has relied on a huge number of fishermen coming to Scotland from overseas. However, Brexit rule changes now mean they need a skilled workers’ visa to do this. This visa has a very high English language requirement, something very few overseas fishermen are able to meet. The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation now say the new-look Scottish Government needs to do more to attract Scots to become fishermen instead, so the industry doesn’t have to rely so much on overseas recruitment. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:59

Galloway creel fishermen believe livelihoods could be ruined by new lobster regulations

Galloway creel fishermen fear their livelihoods could be ruined by new regulations banning them from landing female lobsters. The prohibition, being introduced nationally by the Marine Directorate in Edinburgh, will come into force on Sunday, May 12. It means any hen lobsters caught must be thrown over the side and back into the sea – a move the creel men say will deprive them of at least 50 per cent of their catch and potentially put them out of business. The Galloway Static Gear Fishermen’s Association has been lobbying the Scottish Government that the measure is not needed in the Solway – so far to no avail.  more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:40

John Swinney urged to pursue ‘sensible’ policies for fishing

Fishing chiefs have urged the new first minster to “right the wrongs” of the Bute House Agreement and put their industry towards the top of his agenda. New SNP leader John Swinney will likely be sworn in as first minister this week. The appeal for a “reset” by his administration comes as the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) launches its inaugural Industry Trends and Attitudes Report. SFF chief executive Elspeth Macdonald told The Press and Journal she hopes to gain an early insight into how Mr. Swinney’s team will approach fishing later this week. The report also highlights an “existential challenge” for Scotland’s fishing fleet. And it warns of the dangers of a “spatial squeeze” caused by geographical and regulatory restrictions in the name of conservation and the proliferation of offshore wind farms in traditional fishing grounds. These threaten the livelihoods of “thousands of people in our coastal and island communities”, the report says. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 16:38

The fishing boat tragedy that rocked a community

Nine fishermen left Peterhead on the boat Quiet Waters in March 1954. None of them came home. The boat sank and their deaths devastated their families and shocked the north-east fishing community. Among those on board was my grandfather Billy Buchan, who was 29 when he died. My mum was just a baby when she lost him. On the 70th anniversary of the tragedy she was given flowers, evidence that our community still remembers an event which shook my town and left that little girl without her dad. Fishing trawler Quiet Waters was only a few months old when she left Peterhead, bound for North Sea herring grounds nearly 200 miles (322km) away. Photos, more, >>click to read<< 07:40

Fishermen net benefits of being out of CFP as new figures show Scots vessels account for 96% of all landings

Fishermen are continuing to net the benefits of being out of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) after new figures show Scots vessels accounted for 96% of all landings into Scotland last year. The statistics for 2023, published by the Scottish Government for the first time, show vessels based in Scotland accounted for 43,717 landings across the year. The figures come after Peterhead Port set a new record for annual fish landings, with £226 million-worth of catches traded across the quaysides this year. more, >>click to read<< 08:52

Scots fisherman who sold langoustines to Queen, Gordon Ramsay and Simon Cowell up for prestigious award

Ian Wightman, who brings in his catch at Largs Pier, North Ayrshire, has made a name for himself in the sector by specialising in pioneering sustainable methods. He’s now been nominated in the Under 10 Metre Fisherman of the Year category for the 2024 Fishing News Awards, which spans the UK and Ireland. Ian works the Eilidh Anne GK2 vessel with his main catch being Scottish langoustines. The prize is awarded to a UK or Ireland-based fisherman in an under-10m vessel who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to the industry. Photos, more, >>click to read<< 06:36

‘I’m a fisherman in East Lothian and I am fighting for my survival’

An East Lothian fisherman has warned that his industry could ‘disappear’ if governments do not address funding issues. Barry Brunton, 49, who was born and bred in the fishing town of Dunbar, has said fishermen feel let down, angry and fed up at the treatment they have experienced from both Holyrood and Westminster. Despite this, Barry argues that financial support has been non-existent from politicians and he fears that if it is not forthcoming then Scotland could lose one of its oldest industries. “We are fearing for our future. There are four boats that are up for sale in Dunbar since storm Babet which is unheard of. Photos, more, >>click to read<< 07:42

Fishing Trawler Copious: Fishing boat refloated after running aground in Lerwick harbour

A local whitefish trawler has been refloated on the rising tide in Lerwick Arbour after running aground earlier this afternoon (Wednesday). Coastguard teams, Lerwick lifeboat and Lerwick Port Authority’s pilot boats Knab and Kebister all rushed to the scene after the Copious LK985 became stuck on rocks near the town’s power station. Shetland Coastguard confirmed a short while ago that the KnabKebister and the lifeboat managed to get her afloat and assisted her alongside Mair’s Quay. Photos, more, >>click to read<< 19:01

Fishing boat runs aground in Lerwick harbour

A rescue operation is underway this afternoon (Wednesday) after the local whitefish trawler Copious LK985 ran aground in Lerwick harbour. The incident happened in the shallow waters between the fishing industry hub at Mair’s Pier and the town’s power station. The Copious has seven crew on board. It is understood the the 25 metre vessel, which was delivered only last year, is not taking on water. Coastguard, Lerwick Lifeboat and the Lerwick Port Authority are all at the scene assessing what best to do. Photos, more to follow, >>click to read<< 11:45

Awards 2023: Best Prawn Trawler – Zenith – Macduff Ship Design

Macduff Ship Design fishing boats have charms and attractions all of their own. They are rugged, safe and very economical and long-lasting (as they have to be in Scotland). Built to highly refined designs, they operate in often-terrible weather. In this case, Zenith was designed to fish for prawns out of the delightful port of Fraserburgh on the grey, gloomy North Sea. She is sure to do very well commercially. more, >>click to read<< 09:45

Steaming on sunshine – fishing with solar power

Tayvallich fisherman and boatbuilder Hans Unkles has outfitted 6.40-metre potting boat Lorna Jane to run on solar power. He has owned and skippered nine potting boats, andworks the latest of these on a part-time basis, fishing for lobsters two or three days a week. It was his expertise and a deep interest in renewable energy that led to outfitting Lorna Jane with solar panels to make it the UK’s first fully electric commercial fishing vessel. ‘I worry our fishing industry is missing the boat. With our current trajectory towards Net-Zero our vessels will be worthless. The process of wind and sun creating energy is fascinating to me, so I thought I could be the right person to give it ago,’ Hans Unkles said. Photos, more, >>click to read<< 07:04

RNLI man is charged over death of fisherman in rescue after the grandfather’s boat was capsized during a rescue

A RNLI volunteer has been charged over the death of a grandfather whose fishing boat capsized during a rescue operation. William Murray McCubbin, 60, was pulled from the water after his vessel sank close to Port William harbour, Wigtownshire, in November 2022. His boat had become stranded on the rocks and efforts were already being made to recover it when it capsized. Mr McCubbin was taken to the Galloway Community Hospital, in Stranraer, but he could not be saved. Police have now arrested and charged a 48-year-old volunteer lifeboat crew member following a 16-month investigation. Yesterday, the family of Mr McCubbin – who was known to friends and relatives as Murray – paid tribute to him and spoke of their hope that the inquiry would provide them with answers. more, >>click to read<< 08:05

Fisherman drowned after being dragged overboard by ‘chain weight’

The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) concluded their fatal accident inquiry into the death of John Wilson who died almost three years ago. The inquiry found that the 64-year-old, who lived in St Abbs, was pulled overboard after his foot became entangled in a chain weight on August 28, 2021. Mr. Wilson was on board his boat the Harriet J near Meikle Poo Craig when the incident happened. Following the inquiry, the Sheriff recommended that crew members of single person operated fishing vessels should wear Personal Locator Beacons and Personal Floatation Devices at all times whilst at sea. Photos, more, >>click to read<< 14:38

Awards 2023: Best Small Trawler – Copious – Macduff Ship design

This fine little ship will work for its experienced owners in the bleak, windy and cold waters to the north of Scotland. Macduff Ship Design knows those waters well and this very imaginative new trawler will work very safely, efficiently and effectively there. Magnificent!  “The entire fishing operation was reviewed and analyzed. The layout of fishing operations, the positioning of the equipment, and the mechanization of a number of areas to avoid crew contact with gear was given a high priority to ensure maximum crew safety.” more, >>click to read<< 07:42

‘He refuses to retire’: 82-year-old Iain Boyd’s thriving Ullapool Smokehouse

In the early stages of the now 82-year-old’s career, he spent a great deal of time lobster fishing, scallop diving and mussel farming. It’s a passion that has never dwindled through the decades. Even when Iain went on to work in the oil business, he still “yearned to be involved” in the fishing trade, so much so that his downtime was spent smoking kippers, mackerel, haddock and salmon. “He spent many years perfecting a traditional artisan method [to smoking salmon] before starting up the smokehouse about 20 years ago,” says daughter Louise. The smokehouse in question is Ullapool Smokehouse which is, of course, based in the picturesque fishing village of Ullapool. More specifically, in Morefield Indstrial Estate. Photos, more, >>click to read<< 10:10

Fishermen rescued from sinking boat after capsizing in strong winds

RNLI’s Oban lifeboat was tasked by Stornoway coastguard after a 17-metre fishing boat began taking on water south of the Garvellachs on Wednesday afternoon at around 1pm. When the lifeboat arrived, they discovered two members of the crew on a life-raft while two others had remained on board in a bid to stem the flow of water coming in. The Prestwick-based Coastguard helicopter Rescue 199 and a local workboat were standing by, however, strong winds and a heavy sea made it impossible to transfer across members of the lifeboat crew to the fishing boat with a salvage pump. photos, more, >>click to read<< 06:42

Peterhead landings hit new record

With £232 million worth of catches traded across its quaysides, Peterhead set a new record for fish landings in 2023. This smashes the 2022 figure of £220 million, which was also a modern era record, by a comfortable margin, and cements Peterhead’s position as the largest fisheries port in Europe.  ‘It was a very successful year for landings, with a notable increase in pelagic landings due to the economic link which is more than compensating for a decline in shellfish landings,’ said Peter Duncan, Peterhead Port Authority’s Head of Fishing – Commercial. In recent years PPA has invested over £50 million in an ultra-modern fish market and quayside improvements that allow for vessels to land at all states of the tide. more, >>click to read<< 07:46

Vessel Review: Daystar – North Sea Prawn Trawler Delivered to Scottish Owner

UK boatbuilder Parkol Marine Engineering has handed over a new trawler to fishing boat owner and skipper Stephen West based in Fraserburgh on Scotland’s east coast. The 25.09- by eight-metre Daystar replaces an earlier, similarly named but slightly smaller Parkol-built trawler in the owner’s fleet. The newbuild was designed by SC McAllister and Co for twin-rig trawling of prawns in the North Sea as was the case with its 2017-built predecessor. Photos, more, >>click to read<< 08:25

Fishing smarter, not harder

Whitelink seafood’s scallop dredger Eternal Light FR-35 reports some successful fishing in new areas, thanks to seabed details revealed by their Turbowin 3D plotter. ‘We took a hundred bags of scallops off a small uncharted ridge yesterday,’ said skipper Ian Taylor. The banks, ridges, reefs and gullies revealed by Turbowin 3D have meant that working techniques have been adapted to fish them in a precise, targeted fashion and users are clearly reaping benefits,’ according to Calum West at Seafield Navigation. ‘This means increased catches for the same effort and allowing new areas to be worked safely. Features that are only one metre high jump out at you, which aren’t included in navigation charts or any of the competitors’ 3D systems.’ a 3D image, more, >>click to read<< 13:40