Safety flyer to the fishing industry – The capsize and foundering of the fishing vessel Njord (SH 90)
On 6 March 2022, the 26.56m stern trawler Njord (SH 90) capsized and foundered 150 miles north-east of Peterhead, Scotland while processing a very large haul of fish. The MAIB investigation found that the weight of catch, which was secured to the starboard trawl winch and acting on a handrail high up on the vessel’s starboard side, caused it to list to starboard to an angle where downflooding occurred. A drain valve had been left open in the starboard weathertight bulkhead on the vessel’s working deck, which allowed downflooding into Njord’s internal spaces. The starboard list subsequently increased further, resulting in the capsize of the vessel. Njord’s eight crew abandoned to the vessel’s upturned hull, but none were wearing either a personal flotation device, an immersion suit or carrying a means to raise an alert. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:19
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