Monthly Archives: October 2012
The Report that has not been released, and won’t be until after the election. THE FREE PRESS
The Swartwood II Report Justice that is deserved, will continue to be denied until after the election, but why? The investigation has been completed, but not released, in spite of the demands of many elected officials from both parties. There is something about this report that is keeping (Acting) Secretary of Commerce Rebecca Blank from releasing the514 page report on the follow-up investigation by Special Master Charles Swartwood of NOAA enforcement abuses of fishermen and fishing associated businesses. Swartwood II was completed in March, 2012 and delivered to the Commerce Department. A spokesman for Commerce explained this is “to gather more information regarding issues identified in the second Swartwood report.” I’m curious to understand the need for Commerce to gather “more information” that won’t be added to Swartwood II.

Black and orange lobster caught off Mass.
Photo by Nancy Lane BOSTON — A Massachusetts fisherman has caught a rare lobster known as a “split” that is colored to match Halloween. The New England Aquarium says the one-pound female lobster has an orange side and a black side, with the colors perfectly split down the middle.
Chad See Named to Head Freezer Longline Coalition
UFA Wants Coast Guard Presence in Arctic in Line With Development
Fisherynation want’s to know! ecnewellman. Are you alright?
ec is in New York City. When you can, ec, check in with us. We’re thinking about you and all the others from the mid Atlantic region. BH
Fishermens Northeast Ground Fish Science Forum – Portsmouth, New Hampshire.- Second Announcement – November 9, 2012 Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
An Invitation from Bill Karp
Think about attending if you want to: Meet with people from NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center and others who know the northeast groundfish stock assessments inside and out Find out what’s known about fish stock condition, how it’s known, and what’s limiting better understanding. Share what you know. Help make assessments better.
This meeting is open to the public. No fees for attendance or parking. For more information contact [email protected] / 508 495 2239.
We are trying to get an attendance estimate. To confirm your attendance or for more information contact [email protected] / 508 495 2239.
HMS Bounty crew member dies and captain missing in stormy seas
Dramatic footage of the HMS Bounty rescue released by the US Coast Guard Link to this video
When the Bounty set sail last week, the captain running the ship made famous in Hollywood adventure films believed he could navigate around hurricane Sandy and weather the storm. After two days in rough seas, he realised his journey would be far more difficult.
Governor McDonnell visits Chincoteague Island to tour the area affected by Hurricane Sandy
Governor McDonnell will also meet with representatives of the Virginia State Police, Virginia Department of Emergency Management, Virginia Department of Transportation, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, and other state personnel.
NH Seacoast fishermen await calm to check on battered gear – Hurricane Sandy
While his boat escaped the storm unscathed, Walsh said he was still concerned about his 350 traps that remained in the water. He said he moved the traps away from the rocky bottom and into deeper waters, where the bottom is sandy, to prevent damage. At $40 to $50 for a new trap, Walsh said the potential financial impact of the damage is “huge.” “You can’t insure that stuff, you know?” he said.
Coast Guard Responds to Fishers Fears of Compliance – WPMC searching for potential exemptions
Former Fairbanksan John Winther helped lead modern Alaska fishing industry- Died Oct. 15 in Mesa, Ariz.,Fighting cancer
The employees at the Alaska Ship & Drydock facility in Ketchikan gathered for a moment of silence recently in honor of a former Fairbanksan who was a key figure in the building of the modern commercial fishing industry in Alaska.
John Winther, 67, was born in Fairbanks and graduated from Lathrop High School in 1963 before he headed to Southeast to begin his long career in fisheries.
Read more: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner – entry Former Fairbanksan John Winther helped lead modern Alaska fishing industry
Trials set to begin for western Alaska subsistence fishermen – Alaska Native subsistence fishermen
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Some call it a protest by Alaska Native subsistence fishermen, but that’s not the way it looks to Harry David and a couple dozen others charged with illegally fishing for king salmon in waters severely restricted by the state because of dismal runs of the prized fish. “We’ve been taught since we were growing up to gather food from the land for winter,” said David, a Yup’ik Eskimo from the western Alaska village of Tuntutuliak. David, 48, is heading for trial in Bethel northeast of his village and is contesting non-criminal charge of using the wrong-size net in June at the Kuskokwim River.
National ocean policy sparks partisan fight National ocean policy sparks partisan fight. Wrong, Juliet. It’s non partisan.
Check the Links
Partisan battles are engulfing the nation’s ocean policy, showing that polarization over environmental issuesdoesn’t stop at the water’s edge. For years, ocean policy was the preserve of wonks. But President Obama created the first national ocean policy, with a tiny White House staff, and with that set off some fierce election-year fights. Conservative Republicans warn that the administration is determined to expand its regulatory reach and curb the extraction of valuable energy resources, while many Democrats, and their environmentalist allies, argue that the policy will keep the ocean healthy and reduce conflicts over its use.
Tall Ship Bounty lost to Sandy. Two missing
Bounty goes down off NC coast. Fourteen recovered, two missing. Details as they arrive.
PORTSMOUTH, Va. — Donning survival suits and boarding life boats, the crew of a tall ship in distress off North Carolina’s Outer Banks abandoned the vessel as Hurricane Sandy swirled toward the East Coast, the Coast Guard said early Monday.
I’m sitting here tonight, worrying about the people I care about the most.
The constant reminders of the monster called Sandy have me on edge with genuine concern about my fisherman friends along the mid-Atlantic, and southern New England coastlines.
I’m praying for everyone, and you’re in my head and my heart . God bless, and good luck. BH
Coast Guard calls in fishing fleet in preparation for Sandy By ARIEL WITTENBERG
However, the Coast Guard’s bulletin warns that “no matter where this storm tracks, a dangerous, potentially life-threatening storm is expected for mariners.” “Winds and seas of this nature can damage even large vessels,” the bulletin reads. At the New Bedford waterfront Friday afternoon, fishermen were preparing for the storm by securing their boats with extra lines and placing bumpers at places where their boats could crash against the docks during the storm. “I’m just doubling up the lines and hoping for the best,” said John Gallant, who owns the Christine Julie. “There’s not much else you can do.” David Pereira, who owns the Hustler, said he has been keeping an eye on weather reports. “We don’t know exactly what’s going to happen but it’s Mother Nature. What can you do?” he said. Dave Bucklin, who Friday afternoon was working on the Linda, said he would feel better about the boat if the hurricane barrier closes. “Once they do that, this is a safe haven (and) we’re good to go,” he said.
Kwik’Pak Fisheries Attain Alaska RFM Chain of Custody
The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) has announced that Kwik’Pak Fisheries LLC. has successfully met the requirements of the FAO-Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Chain of Custody Certification.
Kwik’Pak Fisheries joins Triad Fisheries Ltd, Glacier Fish Company, LLC, Seafood Producers Cooperative, Icicle Seafoods, Inc., Ocean Beauty Seafoods, LLC,, Canadian Fishing Company and Peter Pan Seafoods, Inc. in attaining Chain of Custody to the RFM certification.
Striped bass juvenile index falls below average Maryland Department of Natural Resources
“While we expect large variation in striped bass reproduction from year to year and do not view this low value as an imminent problem, we will be carefully monitoring the results of future surveys,” said DNR Fisheries Director Tom O’Connell. “Three consecutive years of poor reproduction would be necessary to trigger mandatory conservation measures.”
Climate change could be affected by changing phytoplankton – Mridul Thomas MSU
In the current issue of Science Express, Michigan State University researchers show that by the end of the 21st century, warmer oceans will cause populations of these marine microorganisms to thrive near the poles and may shrink in equatorial waters. Since phytoplankton play a key role in the food chain and the world’s cycles of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and other elements, a drastic drop could have measurable consequences.
BOEM Talks Fishing/Offshore Wind Mitigation. Translation: We’re Sticking This Junk out on the Fishing Grounds. Shut Up, and DEAL WITH IT!
Here’s your official BOEM info.
Outdoors: Politicians friendly to fisherman sometimes do them no favors. Do me a favor. Stick with writing about moose, will ya?
The Senate race in Massachusetts could affect our region’s fish resources. In televised messages, Sen. Scott Brown tells us that our commercial fishermen (my son is one of them) need more help, that they’ve been over-regulated, excessively fined and unfairly punished. Brown is essentially echoing the same message against commercial fishing regulations that Mitt Romney earlier expressed at a campaign event in April in Portsmouth, N.H., trying to convince voters that protective policies choke small business growth. The two Republican politicians’ solution to deregulate the fishing industry could actually hurt it. Commercial fishermen like Adam Smith, who was forced out of the industry, confides he couldn’t make a living with current regulations. But the real reason he and others like him are out of business is that there aren’t enough fish. Read more.
BP caps, plugs equipment believed to be source of recent sheen in Gulf near site of 2010 spill
NEW ORLEANS — BP PLC said Thursday it has capped and plugged an abandoned piece of equipment that is believed to be the source of a sheen spotted near the site of its massive 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Read More
My comment at the article. Thank you Nils Stolpe.
The liberal left and their Environ faction have forgotten and have chosen to overlook, the Obama Administrations complete folly and manipulation by BP in the Gulf of Mexico.
Lubchenco’s/NOAA’s role in the Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2010-2015
“In her September 21, 2009 twenty-six page response to Lisa Birnbaum, Director of the Mineral Management Service on the Draft Proposed Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2010-2015. Ms. Lubchenco precedes her comments with a rundown of the federal laws that Read More.
Fish report release unlikely before elections By Richard Gaines Staff Writer Gloucester Daily Times
The Obama administration, through its Commerce Department and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, has declined to respond to inquiries as to whether it would release before the Nov. 6 election a special investigator’s set of case studies into allegations of abuse and excesses against American fishermen by federal law enforcers still insulated and protected by top Commerce and NOAA officials. Numerous telephone and email questions over the past month to the acting commerce secretary, Rebecca Blank, General Counsel Cameron Kerry, NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco and her chief counsel, Lois Schiffer, have been ignored. Read More.

Why would US Commerce hold back Swartwood II until after the election? Are they complicit?
Why will this administration continue to obstruct justice and not release this report? It is complicit. The Obama Administrations Commerce Department has chosen to involve itself in this perverse abomination.
We are all aware of the gooey details of Administrative Law Judge Joseph Ingolia, pressing Special Master Swartwood to alter his report to cover up details that have shown theUSCG ALJ was involved in a despicable kangaroo court cash grab, all but guaranteeing that Dale Jones’ All Star cast of “Special Agents” and Chuck Juliand would build up a $100 million dollar slush fund, and rifle through half of that on cars planes, and video games, while Andy sold merchandise on E-Bay with his GI phone. Andy should be re scrutinized.
When Lubchenco requested the investigation, she had the chance to fix, but she chose not to.
“The notes and emails to Swartwood coordinating the meeting reflect the active involvement of Cam Kerry, chief counsel for the Commerce Department, and his deputy Geovette Washington, as well as Monica Medina, NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco’s principal deputy. Their initiative was aimed at clearing the reputation of the Coast Guard judges via the secret meeting.”
She chose to manipulate, and her Gulf BP oil dripping hands are all over this. Cover up. Secret meetings. Business as usual. Don’t rock the NOAA boat. Blow it out of the water. It’s beyond time for a full dismantling of this agency and Jane Lubchenco’s firing. As always,
Current Fisheries Management Jeopardizes Marine Ecosystems Source:Stony Brook University dedicated to advancing ocean conservation through science
TRADITIONAL FISHERIES MANAGEMENT APPROACH JEOPARDIZES MARINE ECOSYSTEMS WORLDWIDE Fisheries expert and executive director of Institute for Ocean Conservation Science at Stony Brook University presents assessment of current fisheries management in the journal Science Newswise — STONY BROOK, NY– In a Perspectives article, “The Risks of Overfishing,” published online today in the October 26 issue of the journal Science, Dr. Ellen K. Pikitch, executive director of the Institute for Ocean Conservation Science and professor at Stony
Taking over the fishing regulations of a nation involves vanity and corruption – Part 1. In 1975, Jane Lubchenco, a young zoology student from,,,,,Coincidentally, during that period (1983-1987), Dr. Ellen Pikitch also worked as an Asst Professor Dept of Fisheries and Wildlife at,,,,,Read More. Lots More.
The Role of Oceans (and Overfishing) in Climate Change
To understand how/why NOAA/NMFS are destroying our fishing industry, you need to look to the UN and the ENGO’s that control it’s agenda. That is why I’m here at Fishery Nation, together we can expose this shakedown by the Big Green Mafia!
Blue Carbon: The Role of Oceans (and Overfishing) in Climate Change
Interesting article on the ocean’s understudied role in climate change. See video at end of story which highlights research on overfishing disrupting oceanic carbon sink:
“…The Patagonian shelf absorbs about 17 million metric tons of carbon per year, equivalent to all the carbon contained in 100 thousand hectares of rain forest. The Patagonian shelf break is one of the most important fisheries regions on earth. Today most experiments agree that marine ecosystems are badly overfished and that at the present pace no fisheries are sustainable. A decrease in fish population could eventually affect zooplankton and phytoplankton communities thereby disrupted by (sic) the ability of the oceans to capture CO2. Such alterations of the marine ecosystem would be analogous to the impact of land use change on the continental carbon budget. These changes are still poorly understood and may bring with them unexpected surprises. Monitoring ocean productivity, carbon budgets and fisheries is important to understand options and interventions in the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.”
WDFW invites public comments on fishery restructuring
OLYMPIA, Wash. — The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission invites public comments on plans to restructure salmon and sturgeon fisheries on the lower Columbia River at a public meeting scheduled for Nov. 8 and 9 in Room 172 of the Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington St. S.E., in Olympia, Wash. An agenda for the meeting is available at
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