Featured Writers
Carmine Gorga Gloucester, Mass. President at Polis-tics Inc.
DickGrachekis a retired fisherman and Captain who has worked in the fishing industry for over 40 years out of Point Judith, Rhode Island and Stonington, Connecticut.
John Johnson is a commercial fisherman and fish boat engineer who has fished on all types of boat’s from Alaska to Maine, and has fished for crab in Russia.
Joel Hovanesian is a commercial fisherman and Captain from Point Judith Rhode Island
Stephen Taufen is a citizen fishery advocate out of Kodiac Alaska, and is the founder of Groundswell Fisheries Movement
Nils Stolpe Mr. Stolpe is a fisheries consultant from New Jersey, the Communications Director of the Garden State Seafood Association, and the primary author, architect, and designer of the website Fish-NetUsa.com.