Monthly Archives: January 2014
Bankrupt fish processor’s quota for sale – 25 per cent, or 3,750 tonnes, of the province’s total allowable silver hake catch.
The deadline for offers is Friday, March 14, at 3 p.m., according to a notice published in this newspaper on Jan. 28. The Business Development Bank of Canada appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers as receiver for D’Eon assets under its security, including the fishing licence, on Dec. 10, 2013. Read more@chronicleherald 23:21
Tug-of-war over salmon on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula may reach fever pitch
Each summer in Alaska, salmon by the millions flood into the great mixing bowl of Cook Inlet between the popular and populated Kenai Peninsula to the south and the towering, wild Aleutian Range to the north. The fish are money — Alaska wild silver prime for the taking — and for that reason they have come to fuel one of state’s longest-running and most contentious political battles. Read more@alaskadispatch 23:09
Can Regulations Help a Man Learn to Fish? Kissing boss Bloomberg’s ass?
(James Greiff’s boss just granted $56 million to increase fish stocks in Brazil, Chile and the Philippines.) There probably isn’t a lament repeated more often by small business owners than the complaint that government regulation is strangling them. Maybe there’s some truth to this, and yet what sometimes goes missing is the corollary: Without regulations, some of those businesses might not survive. The latest example comes from a New Bedford, Massachusetts, commercial fisherman who told Fox News that limits on how many fish can be hauled from U.S. coastal waters will be the ruin of the domestic industry. Be sure to click the links! Read 19:41
Did You Know: Montauk Is Ground Zero for Community Supported Fisheries
Lucky us. On Long Island it’s easy to find fresh fish. Try living in suburban New Jersey, where my sister lives, and you have to drive two towns over to find a store that sells fish and only fish. Read more@edibleeastend 16:03
No worries! – BSEE, Coast Guard Responding to Loss of Well Control Incident in Gulf of Mexico
The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) and the Coast Guard are responding to a loss of well control event at Vermilion Block 356 in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 108 miles southwest of Lafayette, Louisiana. Read more@gcaptain 12:08:
42-year-old Fisherman Coast Guard medevaced from New Bedford F/V PATIENCE
NEW YORK – The Coast Guard medically evacuated a 42-year-old man from a New Bedford, Mass., fishing vessel approximately 75 miles south east of the New York Harbor, Thursday. The patient is currently in stable condition and is being evaluated by the Jersey Shore Medical staff. Read more@ucgnews 10:39
Maine seafood company set for ‘exponential’ growth as Silicon Valley investor buys in
Roughly 80 percent of its business is scallops and haddock. While the scallops are sourced from all over the world, from local fishermen to scallop farms in Peru, the haddock all arrives frozen from Scandinavia — hook-and-line caught, not trawler-caught, Pardy pointed out. Read more@bdn 09:43
The Alaska Board of Fisheries on Friday kicks off a two-week meeting with a fish war at its center.
Sportfishing interests are asking the state to protect plummeting numbers of Kenai River king salmon by restricting commercial fishing. Setnet groups are pressing for access to healthy runs of sockeye. Read more@ADN 08:24
Mass. Fishing industry Bill expands appeals rules for transfer of permits
Proposed legislation to protect due-process rights of the holders of fisheries licenses and permits has passed the Massachusetts House and is on the way to the Senate for deliberation there. Read more@gdt 01:27
Our View: One fish, two fish … way too many fake fish – Was it wild salmon you ordered? Would you be surprised and disappointed to learn that you got coho instead? Read more@gdt
With lobsters in mind, legislator proposes ban on methoprene and resmethrin
According to a press release from the House Democrats, the two pesticides were found in the tissue of dead lobsters that turned up in Long Island Sound in the 1990s. Read more@bdn 23:01
5 Vancouver Island native bands get commercial fishery – Supreme Court of Canada dismisses federal government appeal ending decades-long legal fight
Five First Nations on Vancouver Island, who are part of the collective known as the Nuu-chah-nulth, have had their right to catch and sell nearly all species of fish found within their territories recognized by the country’s highest court. Read more@cbcnews 19:23
MSA TELE-BRIEFING: Congress To Begin Updating Nation’s Primary Ocean Fish Law
Proposal could reverse progress in rebuilding fish populations,,, commercial and recreational fishermen will join a representative from a coalition of national conservation groups to discuss the changes needed to strengthen the law and build upon recent progress in rebuilding fish populations, ending overfishing, and sustaining coastal economies. WAIT’ LL YA SEE THIS LINEUP! Read more here 19:09
Two From Alaska Fish Radio
Apply now for wide range of good paying internships at ADF&G – This is Fish Radio. I’m Laine Welch – Your career in the Last Frontier – Fish and Game goes all out to attract new workers. Read more here
Strong US dollar = more expensive for AK seafood exports; cheaper for imports – How a strong US dollar affects Alaska seafood sales. Listen @alaskafishradio 17:42
Always Top Quality! Your Seafreeze Ltd. Price List for January 30, 2014 has arrived!
Contact our sales team today @ 401 295 2585 or 800 732 273 Click here for the complete price list from Seafreeze Ltd. where The Only Thing They Treat YOUR Fish is With Respect ! Visit our website! 15:31
In Alaska: A New Opener for an Old Fishery – This is Fish Radio. I’m Stephanie Mangini
Last year legislators re opened state waters for weather-vane scallops. It has always been a smaller fishery; looking back to the late eighties and into the early nineties under 20 boats dredged for scallops around Alaska. Listen @alaskafishradio 12:42
Maine lobster entrepreneur looks to go global
Mark Murrell, the man behind ‘dock to doorstep’ lobster deliveries across the US, is preparing to grow his business further afield in 2014. Starting out in Maine in 2010, his online operation selling lobster and seafood direct to customers got a boost after Chase Bank featured Get Maine Lobster in a national advertising campaign for small businesses, and since then Murrell has looked for those outside-the-box ways to reach buyers. Read more@undercurrent 11:43
New poll shows majority of Canadians support the seal hunt and oppose WTO ruling
Read the report here 11:09
King Mackerel Gillnet Fishing Closed for Year in S. Florida W. Coast Subzone
NMFS has determined the 551,448-pound commercial quota has been met. With this action, king mackerel commercial gillnet fishing is prohibited in the Gulf of Mexico off Collier and Monroe Counties, – Read more@thefishsite 10:51
Shell says it won’t drill in Alaska in 2014, cites court challenge
Shell spokesman Curtis Smith blamed “uncertainty raised by the recent Ninth Circuit Court decision that requires the Bureau of Offshore Energy Management to gather and synthesize additional data related to Chukchi Lease Sale 193.” He said “the lack of a clear path forward and an associated timeline makes it impossible to commit the resources needed to explore safely in 2014.” Read more@wapo 10:16
Off-Bottom Oyster Farming Launched in Grand Isle Waters
A project demonstrating an alternative way to grow oysters, using off-bottom systems, has launched in the waters off of Grand Isle. If successful, the project could spark new interest in oyster farming and provide a new source for oysters consumed by the half-shell. Read 10:08
With elver season at risk, Maine moves closer to deal with Indian tribes
The state and Maine’s Indian tribes are approaching a deal that would effectively allocate part of the lucrative elver fishery to the tribes, defusing tension that arose last year but creating separate regulations for tribal and non-tribal fishermen. Read more@portlandpress 09:50
Lobster Fishermen Gather for Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association’s Conference, Talk of Future
The future is uncertain for lobster fishing south of Cape Cod, a top state fisheries biologist told a gathering of lobster fishermen at a conference last weekend. “It will likely be poor for the foreseeable future,” said Bob Glenn, a senior biologist with the state Division of Marine Fisheries. He blamed rising water temperatures, not overfishing. Read more@mvgazette 09:19
Southwestern Maine likely to see further restrictions on scallop season
WISCASSET, Maine — The Department of Marine Resources on Wednesday took no action to further restrict scallop fishing from the New Hampshire border to Penobscot Bay, but said further steps — such as those already taken in the rest of the state — would be necessary to sustain the fishery through the rest of the season. Read more@bdn 08:53
Risk to B.C. salmon ‘minimal’ from Run-of-River projects – An independent review inconclusively finds the hydro projects will have no impact on river salmon
An independent review of B.C.’s Run-of-River projects has tentatively concluded that most of the hydro plants have had no impact on salmon species in the rivers used to generate electricity. Read more@cbcnews 08:39
Fisheries science books disposal costs Ottawa thousands
The information comes from the office of Fisheries and Oceans Minister Gail Shea. It was prompted by a request from Liberal MP Lawrence MacAulay last October, after reports surfaced that seven Fisheries and Oceans libraries were being closed and the materials destroyed. Read more@cbcnews 08:00
Louisiana’s Shrimpers deserve some help
It is no secret that Louisiana’s shrimpers have seen troubled times in recent years. They have battled rising costs, falling prices and vicious competition — much of it illegal — from foreign countries that import their shrimp to the U.S. They also have been hampered by hurricanes and a catastrophic oil spill. Read more@houmatoday 07:25
NOAA could award Saltonstall-Kennedy grants next week
Applicants for Saltonstall-Kennedy grants could hear within the next week if their projects will receive any portion of the estimated $5 million to $11 million expected to be doled out by NOAA in this year’s disbursement. Read more@gdt 07:04