Monthly Archives: November 2013
Lobster boat sinks; four Nova Scotia fishermen rescued
Four fishermen have been rescued from a sinking fishing vessel off the South Shore just a few hours after the start of the lobster season. The vessel Shawn and Gary was reported sinking 20 miles south of Liverpool shortly before 10 a.m. and a Mayday call was issued and relayed by the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Halifax. The fishermen had abandoned the boat. Two crewmembers were in a liferaft and two were in the water for a short time until were rescued by another nearby vessel, the Patty and Andy, which was only two miles away when the Mayday call came in. more@sccoastguard 20:33
CG medevacs injured F/V Sea Angels fisherman Clint Owens, 41, of Townsend, Ga.
Someone aboard the 105-foot fishing vessel Sea Angels, homeported in Beaufort, N.C., used a VHF-FM marine radio to notify Coast Guard Sector Jacksonville, Fla., watchstanders at 7 a.m. Owens became injured after he was struck in the head with part of the vessel’s rigging equipment. The crewman reported Owens had short-term memory loss, a laceration, severe neck pain and a jaw injury. more@uscgnews 19:45
Fish-farm firm still focused on Atlantic salmon in B.C. despite shift in Chile
VANCOUVER – One of the world’s largest aquaculture companies is betting future economic growth in Chile on a “robust” species of salmon native to the Pacific but will continue to raise the controversial Atlantic salmon on its British Columbia farms. Norwegian-based Cermaq has released plans for its economic growth in the South American country, saying coho salmon will become a key component of future growth. more@edmontonjournal 16:51
Listen to The Alaska Fisheries Report
Coming up on this Thanksgiving week show, 2014 forecasts are out for sockeye in Bristol Bay and pinks in Southeast, small boat fishermen work to expand the availability of electronic monitoring, and, keep an eye on your boat this winter, will ya? We’re thankful for help this week from KCAW’s Rachel Waldholz in Sitka, KFSK’s Matt Lichtenstein in Petersburg and KDLG’s Mike Mason in Dillingham. listen here
SC Fishermen William Collins, 55, and Josh Carter, 25 rescued after F/V Little D runs aground, begins taking on water
CHARLESTON, S.C. – Coast Guard crews rescued two fishermen early Saturday morning after their 55-foot boat ran aground and began taking on water at the south tip of Jekyll Island, Ga. Rescued are William Collins, 55, and Josh Carter, 25. The men used a VHF-FM marine radio to report to watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector Charleston at 3:49 a.m. that the vessel, Little D, lost engine power before running aground in 3-foot breakers and was beginning to take on water. more@uscgnews 10:55
Crab: no in Oregon, yes in California
The commercial season for Dungeness crab in Oregon has been delayed until at least Dec. 16 after sample testing of crab showed low meat content. However, some commercial fishermen can head just over the border into California, where the season is set to begin Sunday. That is, if fishermen and crab buyers in California can agree to a price on crab. With around 50 percent of Brookings’ commercial fishermen holding both Oregon and California licenses, many are already out on the water setting crabs pots south of the 42nd parallel that divides Oregon and California. [email protected] 10:36
Lobster season off southern N.S. opens after weather delay – optimism as dumping day begins
Fisheries and Oceans Canada had postponed the opening for five days, fearing poor weather during the past week would make it too dangerous for fishermen. The Canadian Coast Guard and dozens of fisheries officers are monitoring the first day. In Meteghan, N.S., crowds gathered at the wharf Saturday morning. Fishermen there say it’s been one of the longest weather delays to the start of the season in recent memory. more@cbcnews
Fewer right whales seen, counted in Gulf of Maine
Only one North Atlantic right whale was spotted in the Gulf of Maine this fall by biologists who are tracking the species. “Right whales have different feeding areas at different times of year,” LaCasse said. Their year-round habitat extends from the Canadian Maritimes to southern New England, but the whales move in search of food. Their whereabouts, regardless of the time of year, are likely tied primarily to food and the conditions of the ecosystem in which they thrive, marine scientists said. “These whales are grazers,” said Mayo. “It’s a moving feast, quite literally, for these animals. Wherever they are, I guarantee that they’re sitting on a pile of food.” more@kennebecjournal 05:53
Rescued at sea – Turr hunters attribute CF/V White Star I crew to saving their lives
Thanks to the efforts of three Randell brothers – Ralph, Kevin and Keith – from Bide Arm, Graham Hancock and Tom Fillier are safely back on shore and able to share a few laughs about their experience on the water. But everyone involved certainly appreciated the seriousness of the situation, last Monday, when Hancock and Fillier failed to return to home after a day of turr hunting. To the rescue Ralph Randell had been keeping an eye out for Hancock’s boat from his window throughout the day. When darkness set in and Hancock’s boat wasn’t at the wharf it started playing on his mind. He was watching the evening news when his wife answered the phone, Hancock and Fillier hadn’t returned home. more@northernpenca 21:57
Possibly due to improving water quality a century later, Lake Michigan whitefish are turning up in Wisconsin rivers
Marinette — The venerable Lake Michigan whitefish — a favorite of ice anglers and commercial fishermen — is turning up on inland waters where it hasn’t been seen in a century. Adult fish populations are leaving Green Bay and have been found in at least four rivers in northeast Wisconsin, possibly due to improving water quality of those rivers, says the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. more@jsonline 20:23
Veteran fisheries biologist John Hilsinger Joins Aleutian King Crab Research Foundation as Science Advisor
Foundation president Rip Carlton, a veteran golden king crab fisherman from Bend, Oregon, said the harvesters want improved research and stock assessments of this fishery, which Carlton said is valued at $20 million to $30 million. Carlton said the foundation, which is self funded, met with members of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game during the recent Fish Expo in Seattle and hopes to work with ADF&G and the National Marine Fisheries Services to find out more about golden king crab in the Aleutians. more@fishermensnews 19:58
Arctic waters increasingly vulnerable to foreign species
When most people think of climate change, they picture polar bears, not zooplankton. Zooplankton are a huge group of water organisms which range from microscopic crustaceans to jellyfish and live in both fresh and salt water. Just about everything in the ocean eats zooplankton, from tiny fish to huge whales. In other words, they’re important to the Arctic food chain. But that food chain is about to change dramatically because of climate change and increased shipping traffic, according to some recent studies. more@nunatsiaqonline 18:00
Big week for AK fish meetings: IPHC/halibut catches, BOF & NPFMC
This is Fish Radio. I’m Laine Welch. Halibut catches – Board of Fish and the Council. It’s a big week for fish meetings. More@fishradio 16:26
Unalaska marine salvage expert Dan Magone, blast needed to free shipwrecked crabber F/V Arctic Hunter
Magone said Monday that removing the boat will start next week at the earliest. The vessel’s fishing career is over, he said. “It’s still shaped like a boat, but it’s just wreckage.” Blasting the rock away is actually a very small part of the job, he said. The biggest task involves pulling the boat from the shore with heavy cables, and then sinking it. Once secured underwater, the vessel will be lifted up and moved elsewhere, he said. more@bristolbaytimes 16:15
Books and papers cited most often by fisheries scientists by Trevor Branch
Books and papers cited most often by fisheries scientists – here Methods – I conducted an exhaustive search of potential references on Web of Science, Google Scholar, and through personal contacts, examining reference lists, looking through colleague’s libraries, etc. Based on discovery rates I estimate this list contains >90% of all highly cited references. Read more from Trevor Branch (scroll to bottom of page) 15:59
Tuna quota unchanged, PEI fishermen disappointed
Troy Bruce, who fishes out of Kingsboro, P.E.I., said from the perspective of fishermen on the Island the tuna stocks are very strong. “From what we see in our own area we would definitely feel there should be an increase,” said Bruce. more@cbcnews 15:40
2 men cited for catching undersized fish
Marine patrol officers met with Ronald Lamar Cole, 44, and Stuart Ray Middleton, 36, about 7:45 a.m. Monday. The men were aboard a docked commercial mullet skiff, culling fish from a seine net, according to the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office. Deputies noticed an undersize snook and small tarpon in another net on the boat. more@heraldtribune 15:36
USCB, DNR to study toxic effects of rainfall in coastal SC waters
USCB and DNR have purchased equipment that will be stationed at various spots throughout the waterways for a year. The devices, to be deployed in about a week, will let researchers measure rainfall amounts, water temperature, water salinity and chemicals, Montie said. The study comes in the wake of a massive die-off of the county’s oyster population in recent weeks. Environmental officials and fishermen have said that as much as 75 to 90 percent of the oysters are dead. [email protected] 10:59
Dishonest fisherman Scott Steer jailed, banned for 10 years

Gloucester: Sam Novello straight up tell’s it like it is. It ain’t pretty.
A TV news segment earlier this week showcased what’s happening in – or what’s happened to — our fishing industry at the hand of our own government. It showed Al Cottone had caught his yearly quota of cod, not within a year, but within a period of just five hours. That’s what he was allowed for the year, and filled it in one tow. The arrogant John Bullard, who doesn’t qualify to be called with a prefix of mister, was asked by the TV reporter if he was insinuating that fisherman were liars — and he had to think for a minute to cover himself and say he wasn’t saying that. more@GDT 06:15
I ain’t buyin’ it. Maine lobster caught, released at Farallon Islands
The first Maine lobster verified off the Bay Area coast was caught by accident last week in a crab trap set by Sean Hodges of the sport fishing boat Hog Heaven. After a photo to prove the event, Hodges released the lobster back to the sea. The lobster was found in a crab trap that had been set on the ocean floor 250 feet deep near the Farallon Islands. more@sfgate 22:50
Letter: Fishermen well aware of enviro issues – Captain Paul Cohan, F/V Sasquatch, Gloucester
I am writing in response to the letter from Mike Dyer (“Stories show need to focus on NOAA science,” the Times, Saturday, Nov. 23). You know, Mike, It wasn’t too long ago that your quip about fishermen in denial would have been plausible, if not factual. But over the last few decades fishermen have learned a lot about the marine environment, the food chain, and ultimately, our responsibilities — being, as we are, the “master link.” more@GDT 22:13
Environment Canada greases the AquaBounty skids – clears one hurdle but still waits for key OKs
What seemed like a step towards approving the world’s first genetically modified (GM) creature for human consumption a few days ago actually “doesn’t change anything,” according to a spokesman for AquaBounty Technologies, which has been trying to bring a transgenic salmon to market for years. Last week, the company got permission from Environment Canada to ramp up production of salmon eggs from research levels to greater commercial quantities. more@cbcnews
Revised Alaska Department of Fish and Game Bristol Bay Sockeye forecast/catch
Following the release of the original forecast, we discovered a database error that prompted a re-evaluation. This most recent forecast is approximately 620 thousand fish less than the initial release. more here 20:29
Murkowski Muscles GSA in Sustainability Fight – Gets Major Change in Guidelines
In a recent letter (attached) from a GSA Assistant Commissioner, the official writes to Senator Murkowski that the agency agrees, and that “American managed fisheries do not require third-party certification to demonstrate responsible and sustainable practices.” [email protected] 13:40
We Want Ours! Coastal Conservation Association – 500 recreational permits for the zone – Biscayne National Park
A move away from an initial proposal for a no-fishing area covering 16 square miles pleased board members of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission when they met Thursday in Weston in Broward County. more@keysnet
Rolls-Royce Builds a Salmon Tanker
A boat built for fish would seem to be a technology whose time will never come. But Rolls-Royce is designing one. For salmon, to be specific. Bakkafrost is paying Rolls-Royce $9.4 million to design and equip the ship, which will be built at the Tersan shipyard in Turkey and delivered in May 2015. more@businessweek 12:50
Ottawa introduces hovercraft to offset closure of busy Kitsilano Coast Guard base
A new hovercraft that was promised by the federal government to assuage anger over the closure of Vancouver’s coast guard station has arrived. Fisheries Minister Gail Shea announced the arrival of the rescue craft Wednesday with little fanfare. more@globeandmail 08:33
Fish Farts? Yes, Fish Farts! – Fish ‘soundscape’ tells where they are, what they are doing
This is Fish Radio. I’m Laine Welch — Fish sounds gives clues to where they are and what they’re doing. More after this – Listen@fishradio
Experts worry whales may have contracted dolphin disease
Overall, more than 800 dolphins have stranded along the coast, although officials fear far more have died offshore and never been discovered. And now, officials have a new worry: The virus causing the dolphins’ deaths may be jumping species. Among five other species tested, the virus has been detected in three humpback whales and two pygmy sperm whales that stranded in Massachusetts, Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia. [email protected] 08:23