Category Archives: Uncategorized

From the Time of Christ and Paul
A major artifact illuminating Christ’s story is the so-called Jesus boat found in the mud near the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. While not really a boat that Jesus sailed in, coin and ceramic evidence indicate that this kind of boat was in use during the time of Christ and is typical of those used by His disciples. This wooden boat, 7.5 by 27 feet, was in use from about 50 B.C. to A.D. 50. Pottery and nails (along with carbon dating) secure the date of the boat to the time of Christ. This boat gives a good sense of what sailing on the Galilee was like in the days of Jesus and His disciples. >click to read< 12:31

It’s been rough in recovery, and theres a long way to go.
To those that have noticed, I’ve made sporadic updates in the past 19 days, as I’ve undergone heart surgery, and have been in recovery. I’ve tried to post along the way, and have had marginal success. Yesterday, I felt totally spent, and as hard as I tried to deliver, I just couldn’t find the strength. I’m feeling better today, abd will post a few articles. I’m anxious to get back at it! Thank you all for your patience, BH15:40

We wish our friends near and far a very Happy, Safe and Prosperous New Year
Illegal Filming of Illegal Fishing – Evidence Leads to Bust!
The owners and an associate of an outdoor film company, Montana Wild, were issued 38 state citations and 11 federal citations, resulting in $5, 950 in fines. The citations involved violations of bull trout fishing regulations and unlawful commercial filming activity on USFS lands without valid permits. In January 2014 Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Criminal Investigator Brian Sommers and United States Forest Service Law Enforcement Officer L. Kevin Arnold began a joint investigation into Montana Wild, a Missoula, Montana based company that produces hunting and fishing videos on its website and is owned and operated by Zach and Travis Boughton. Their website states the following: “We specialize in outdoor marketing, social media, cinematography, photography, video editing and a new line of apparel.” Read the rest here 15:05
Scientific panel will evaluate proposals to establish commercial fish farms in Great Lakes
Department of Environmental Quality officials said in March they’d heard from two operators interested in raising rainbow trout in netted enclosures in Lakes Michigan and Huron. They would take fish from small hatcheries and raise them until large enough for the consumer food market. Among members are scientists with the NOAA Great Lakes Ecological Laboratory in Ann Arbor, the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Michigan Sea Grant and others. The chairman is Roy Stein, a professor emeritus at Ohio State University. Bad idea Read the rest here 13:14
Man accused of orchestrating $271,000 king crab heist
A 29-year-old Lakeland Fla. man is accused of orchestrating a heist where $271,000 worth of king crab was stolen. Joshua Paul Warner, of 2462 Harrison Place Blvd., is reportedly seen on surveillance video unlocking a bay door at the Comcar Warehouse on April 25. “This is absolutely crazy!” said Warner. “That is a whole truck load, that is a whole semi! That is unbelievable they’d even think that of me.” Read the rest here 16:34
Given the cold water going into winter, the current “Ice Breaking Fleet” operating on the Great Lakes may be inadequate this year
A recent WUWT story notes the well below normal water temperature of the Great Lakes, some 6 degrees colder than last year. David DuByne writes, and a video follows: With the Great Lakes at 92% ice coverage during the winter of 2013-2014 and far below average water temperatures this year in the lakes, ice will form earlier and last longer into spring. This will have an effect on shipping and delivery of cargo throughout the region disrupting the Great Lakes Economy. Video, and read the rest here 12:36
Biblical facts about fishermen, fishing and fish
When the Son of God initiated his ministry, his first act was to travel to the Sea of Galilee and select four fishermen to be his apprentices (Matt. 4:18). Biblical scholars believe that at least seven of the 12 disciples were fishermen. Incidentally, the Greek word translated fishermen in English language Bibles is a broader term that actually means seamen, referring to any group of men,,, Read more here 13:33
A slow news day, Screwed up Menu, and 2 job postings on the Bluenose II, or III or whatever they call her
I’m digging, guy’s, but it’s slow digging for fish news. I’ll dredge some up. I always scrape something up. The menu on the blue portion of the header bar is screwed up! Was up till the early hours tryin’ to get it squared away with nothing positive to report. Like, FIXED! It’s drivin’ me nuts! I did come up with something for all the sailors though, the new, reformulated Bluenose that has our Nova Scotia friends up in arms, is posting 2 crew openings! Each job is a temporary, full-time opportunity for the Second Mate, and a deck hand. Read more here
From the Moderator – We did some upgrades to

Hand Grenade Fishing
Fishing with a hand grenade. 1. Pull the pin. 2. Throw it far from the boat. 3. Net the stunned and dead fish. These guys forgot step 2. Click here
Indiana county OKs farm’s plans for fish feed mill despite complaints by neighbors about the stench produced by the farm’s fish feces lagoon.
Neighbors who oppose the feed mill said that not only does the lagoon stink, but the farm is also discharging so much water it has flooded surrounding property. Bell withdraws nearly 400 million gallons of water yearly from the ground for its operations. Read more here braziltimes 08:02
Reflections on the success of traditional fisheries management – Hilborn and Ovando
The argument persists that the continued overexploitation by many fisheries around the world is evidence that current approaches to fisheries management are failing, and that more precautionary management approaches are needed. We review the available estimates of the status of fish stocks from three sources: Read more here 11:31
Experience unique seal hunting on Åland
Seal hunting demands much from the hunter, both before and after the hunt. In the outer archipelago of Åland there is a great population of grey seals and the exciting hunt fascinates natives as much as visitors. Read more here 16:59
UK Fishermen – Storm Surges and Wind Farms – Economic Disaster
The government fund will allow people who make their living from the sea to receive up to £5,000 to replace lost or damaged fishing gear including crab and lobster pots. It comes as the Fishermen’s Mission also launched a nationwide appeal for emergency funds to aid people in coastal communities who have been unable to land any catches, as a result of the severe storms. Cromer crab fisherman John Lee, chairman of the North Norfolk Fisheries Local Action Group, said the major issues facing fishermen were offshore wind farms and the possibility of creating a Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) off the north Norfolk coast. Read more here 07:40
Another Crazy Vice Article: The Japanese Can’t Stop Eating Endangered Sea Mammals
Japan understandably loves sea mammals. After all, they’re typically adorable and often intelligent. But what many people in Japan appear to love about them most is how delicious they are. To discover one potential reason, all you need is a can opener. Read more here Vice 16:36
Japan to halve tuna catch in Northern Pacific
Japan plans to slash by half the amount of juvenile bluefin tuna taken from the Northern Pacific starting in 2015, compared to the 2002-2004 average, reports said Sunday. Read more here 10:00
Over demanding market affects fisheries more than climate change

Lydia The Flying Great White Shark Puts Cornwall On Summer Alert
THE DAILY Star has chilling news: Lydia is coming to the UK. Lock up your flippers and stick a plug in the sink. The tabloids works in cycles. The first signs of the impending summer are, in order: a) Great White Shark Spotted off Coast b) Madeleine McCann spotted on land c) Lucy from Brighton spotted on beach d) Killer heatwave spotted in space. News is that Lydia was tagged by scientists. And she’s been recorded swimming in the mid Atlantic. Or as the Indy has it, flying: Read more here 08:18
48% of fishermen do not think their job is dangerous – statistically, 94 deaths in 10 years make it the most dangerous UK profession.
Research, launched today by Seafish, the industry authority on seafood, has shown that a quarter of fishermen have experienced a significant accident at sea where their life was at risk. Over half (52 per cent) of the fishermen surveyed agreed that their job was dangerous, yet only 25 per cent of fishermen said they regularly wear a Personal Flotation Device (PFD). Read more here through the gaps blog 12:09
Next time some vegan tells you eating wild ocean fish is wrong, show them this! – It takes how much water to grow an almond?!
California, supplier of nearly half of all U.S. fruits, veggies, and nuts, is on track to experience the driest year in the past half millennium. Farms use about 80 percent of the state’s “developed water,” or water that’s moved from its natural source to other areas via pipes and aqueducts. Read more here 10:09 grist
The North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission members met in Oslo, Norway, 25-27 February 2014
The NAMMCO members met in Oslo, Norway, 25-27 February 2014, on the occasion of the 22nd Council meeting. The press release details information about observer governments and organisations attending and also some of the main items raised during the meeting. The 23rd Council meeting is scheduled during the beginning period of 2015 and to be held in Iceland. 11:02
Tuna: Super Fish
Athletes of the Sea Let’s clarify one thing up front: Tuna are not ordinary fish. They are athletic freaks of nature, built for raw power, speed and endurance. They can withstand intense cold, dive to crushing depths and swim at speeds approaching 50 miles per hour. Read 13:59
Fukushima Radiation: Govt Launches Web Site Noting Safety of Fishes Around Plant
The site will also try to explain the process of test fishing. The federation had earlier said it conducts advance radiation checks to determine the safety of fishing grounds. Earlier in January, state health officials from California debunked claims of dangerously high radiation levels in the sands of Pacifica State Beach, as claimed by an Internet video posted on YouTube. Read 08:14
Send this Monstrosity to the Breakers. – Super trawler Abel Tasman won’t operate in Australia, loses bid against ban
THE controversial super trawler Abel Tasman won’t operate in Australia after its owners lost a challenge in the federal court.Justice John Logan said former environment minister Tony Burke was within his rights to ban the factory freezer trawler, which would have had uncertain impacts on small pelagic fish. Read 07:09
Legal harvest of marine turtles tops 42,000 each year
A new study has found that 42 countries or territories around the world permit the harvest of marine turtles – and estimates that more than 42,000 turtles are caught each year by these fisheries. Read