Daily Archives: July 6, 2013

Coast Guard responds to F/V Naknek Spirit – run aground early Saturday in Passage Canal six miles east of Whittier in Prince William Sound

The Coast Guard and Alaska Chadux are responding to a reported fuel spill from a grounded fishing vessel in Passage Canal six miles east of Whittier in Prince William Sound, Saturday. continued@cgnewsuscg logo

Climate change planning, prevention needed to protect Maine fisheries, say officials

The reason for all these unexpected developments, according to scientists and fisheries officials, is that,,,, continued@bdn

Fisheries Management in a Changing ClimateBDN

Battlefront: Ocean Industrialization – DeepWater Wind and Europol – ‘Threat Assessment Italian Organized Crime’ – Barbara Durkin

Jeffrey-Grybowski-Deepwater-windThere is a new report from  Europol ‘Threat Assessment Italian Organized Crime’ that should elevate your concerns about DeepWater Wind formed by UPC First  Wind.  As I stated to you in my letter of May 8, 2013, (that  followed by in person testimony to Narragansett Town Council), in  part:  The business history of UPC First Wind affiliates and  subsidiaries is remarkable because their wind projects consistently fail to  produce energy,,,continued here  (There’s a lot of information in the links at the article)

Connecticut lobster industry in hot water

This fall, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection will close the lobster fishery in the state for three months. continued@theday

Interagency efforts continue for Lone Star response near Dillingham – Fishery shut down.

The Coast Guard, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Department of the Interior and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation continued working with salvage crews and the owner of the Lone Star to remove the sunken vessel from the Igushik River near Dillingham, Alaska, Friday. continued@uscgnewsuscg logo

Listen to the Bristol Bay Fisheries Report for Friday, July 5

The Bristol Bay Fisheries Report for July 5 includes a story about the closure in the Nushagak District due to fuel leaking from the sunken tender Lone Star. continued@kdljg

Expanding habitat protection zones in the Key’s

A list of 24 nearshore areas proposed as new habitat-protection areas will be outlined to the Florida Keys National Marine  Advisory Council. continued@keysnet

More funding for Pacific salmon – Close to $4 million has been promised

Preliminary applications are being accepted for projects involving data collection and stock assessments, as well as rehabilitation and restoration of freshwater habitats. continued@cknw

Sacramento River salmon spawning threatened by massive water exports – Dan Bacher

State and federal water officials are apparently now in a rush to deliver water to corporate agribusiness, oil companies and Southern California water agencies, in spite of it being a drought year, as revealed by the latest river release and water export data provided by the Department of Water Resources. continued@centralvalley

Remembering the Klamath River fish kill of 2002 – Dan Bacher

To refresh people’s memories, below is my article about the Klamath River adult salmon, published in September 2002. We cannot allow another big fish kill to take place this year under the Obama administration like the one that occurred under the Bush administration in 2002! continued@dailykos

Who’ done ‘it – Alaska State Troopers report on various infractions on the water.

From arresting drunks on the water to no commercial fishing without a crew member license while acting as a crew member. continued@bristolbaytimes

Unsafe work environment led to death at sea, TSB finds – 25-year-old St. Anthony man killed aboard Katsheshuk II in 2012

A lack of training, a broken piece of equipment, and overall unsafe work conditions led to the death of a crewmember on a fishing vessel,,, continued@cbcnews  Marine Investigation Report M12N0003 Link


Lone Star oil sheen shuts down Igushik River setnet fishery, affecting 52 permit holders, May reopen today if they can contain leaking fuel.

Leaking diesel fuel from a sunken Bristol Bay fishing vessel led the state Department of Fish and Game to shut down a key setnet fishery and close an area for drift gillnet boats Friday afternoon. If the Lone Star’s fuel can be contained, commercial fishing for sockeyes could resume on Saturday, area biologist Tim Sands of Fish and Game said. continued@adn