A Holiday Message from Captain David Goethel

As you sit down to enjoy your holiday traditions, please give a thought or prayer for those men and women braving extreme conditions this holiday season keeping you fed and warm.

“There is always someone out there”, was a headline in a fishing paper many years ago reminding readers that while most people spend the holidays with friends and family, there are still fishermen plying our waters to feed us, in extreme conditions. Some are fishing because of economic misfortune hoping for a comeback by landing high priced fish when little product is available to consumers. Others are fishing because of social misfortune, a community of fishermen out on the water is better than being alone. They are joined by merchant mariners on large ships and tugboat crews that guide them in and out of harbors bringing oil and gas to keep us warm. All of this is overseen by the Coast Guard boat crews who respond in moment’s notice, no matter what the weather, to mariners in distress.

So, as you enjoy this holiday season remember there is always someone out there catching food to feed the world. 13:41

Happy Holidays, Captain David Goethel

2 Responses to A Holiday Message from Captain David Goethel

  1. Capt.Jim Kendall says:

    Hey David;
    Thanks for the Christmas Cheer. we would like to wish you & Ellen the same, as well as FisheryNation.com & all its readers World Wide!

    Capt. Jim & Verna Kendall

    • David Tyler Goethel says:

      Thanks Jim,
      Nice to hear from you. Hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas also. Happy New Year!
      David and Ellen Goethel

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