Right whales and offshore wind: reflections on an uneasy coexistence

Michael Moore has spent decades studying North Atlantic right whales. He’s seen somewhere around 150 of them. It’s a feat, given that now there are just about 360 left in the world. But the veterinarian, author, and scientist emeritus from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution had never seen an offshore wind farm up close — until last week. “Look at them. All out in neat little rows,” he said, standing at the rear of a 53-foot charter boat that offered a closeup view of construction on Vineyard Wind, 15 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard. About half of the planned 62 turbines are fully constructed, reaching more than 250 meters into the sky. When the boat slowed down to pass beneath one of the turbines, Moore was awestruck by the length of a blade. “Right whales are 40 to 50 feet,” he said. “So, you can stretch seven right whales along the length of one of these blades.”  Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 16:48

One Response to Right whales and offshore wind: reflections on an uneasy coexistence

  1. Davis says:

    I’d like to ask Dr. Moore why there are so many dead marine mammals washing up on shore from MA to NJ? He said nothing about the effects of underwater noise from construction or sea floor mapping. We have seen 100s of dead whales and dolphins while only a fraction of the proposed turbines have been erected. There are now thousands slated to be installed in New England waters alone. If Dr Moore won’t help stop this our sea life is doomed.

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