Mass. and Rhode Island pick 3 new wind projects, with less power than originally sought

Massachusetts and Rhode Island announced the winners of their joint offshore wind auction on Friday. While this total is less than half of what the states originally sought to procure, it helps bring them closer to their legally binding offshore wind targets. Friday’s news comes after nearly two years of economic tumult in the industry, when developers up and down the East Coast canceled contracts for wind projects, saying they could not make them financially viable because of inflation, higher interest rates and supply chain problems. Still, not everyone is celebrating the news. Jerry Leeman, CEO of the New England Fishermen’s Stewardship Association, said he was “shocked” that the New England states are awarding more contracts less than two months after a blade broke off a Vineyard Wind Project turbine. In mid-July, the blade sent tons of fiberglass and foam debris into the ocean. Much of it washed up on the south side of Nantucket, and several beaches had to close while the material was cleaned up. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:20

One Response to Mass. and Rhode Island pick 3 new wind projects, with less power than originally sought

  1. Brian Pontolilo says:

    This Governor blocked the natural gas pipeline citing social injustice and harm to certain communities. Has she considered the harm that Off Shore Wind will bring to coastal communities and the fishing industry?

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