Did New Bedford police tell a fisherman to take down his ‘anti-windmill’ flag?

According to local scalloper Russell Isabel, captain of the F/V Prowess, the Prowess started showing signs of an engine problem in the area of the New Bedford-Fairhaven Bridge on Tuesday, leading to a decision to dock nearby at New Bedford’s North Terminal. The fact that his vessel was displaying an “anti-windmill” flag at the time was purely coincidental, Isabel says. “I didn’t know anything about a ribbon-cutting meeting going on or any of that,” Isabel said, noting he also had no knowledge of the protest going on just outside of the event near the street. As the crew docked, authorities noticed the flag flying off the stern of F/V Prowess, leading to a verbal conflict with NBPD members, Isabel said. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:50

One Response to Did New Bedford police tell a fisherman to take down his ‘anti-windmill’ flag?

  1. Marty Connor says:

    The event was listed as a public event but as they saw the protesters it suddenly became a private event, invite only. Channel 10 was there for the photo op and walked by the protesters twice and did not ask us one question, that was real biased reporting. MSM doing its usual one sided reporting

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