With right-wing backing, New England offshore wind opponents gain strength
Jerry Leeman III is a fifth generation Maine fisherman and looks the part: broad shoulders, muscular hands, scraggly black beard with streaks of gray. Sitting at the head of an empty boardroom table in his South Portland office, he rails against the buildout of offshore wind currently getting underway in the Northeast. Leeman has read the government’s environmental assessments, and he’s heard scientific experts say turbines won’t destroy the marine ecosystem — but he doesn’t trust them. Plenty of fishermen in the Northeast feel they’re being squeezed out of existence by federal regulations and offshore wind development. But Leeman has a bigger platform than most. He founded and now leads the New England Fishermen’s Stewardship Association, better known as NEFSA. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:18
I think Jerry did a good job of fending off a potential hit piece. Citing science is the correct to debunk current wind myths. Also one should consider the donation to Jerry’s group is dwarfed by the donations given to pro-wind ENGO’s by an interlocking array of progressive donors Don’t believe me. check the top twenty ENGO’s IRS form 990’s
It turns out, David, that Leemans views on this are in line with my own anti-offshore wind views. The organization does also. The writer included enough information to discredit her right-wing premise. When Jerry submitted a series of articles here, there was no NEFSA. The group is making an impact. Enter Jerry Leeman in the search bar! He is an excellent writer! Merry Christmas to you and Ellen, and the Goethel family.