Fishing Vessel Which Ran Aground off Dursey Island Yesterday Refloated and Drydocked in Casteltownbere

A fishing vessel which ran aground off Dursey Island yesterday has been refloated and towed to Casteltownbere for drydocking and inspection. A major rescue operation was needed when the 33m French-flagged trawler, the F/V Grand St Bernard, hit rock 12 nautical miles from Castletownbere. Two local boats, the Girl Jane and Celtic Dawn, Castletownbere RNLI and the Irish Coast Guard Rescue 115 helicopter came to the rescue of the 14-strong crew. 10 crew were airlifted from the boat, while 4 remained on board to help with efforts to free the boat from the rock. Following a successful winching operation, the trawler eventually came off the rocks and a tow line to keep the casualty vessel away from the shore. >click to read< 12:42
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